Spider-Man 2 players collectively groan as devs “Rick Roll” them in story mission

Players who are just now jumping into Spider-Man 2’s main story got a blast from the past in a flashback mission involving Peter – and the “Rick Roll” makes an unwelcome comeback.
The so-called “Rick Roll” is an unforgettable mainstay when it comes to late 2000s/early 2010s internet culture. Using Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” as a way to prank people was a common practice.
It’s hard to say just how many people fell victim to getting Rick Rolled, as the song got edited into YouTube videos, or the link for the song got placed where another video was promised.
Insomniac fully committed to creating a period-accurate flashback mission in Spider-Man 2 that takes place during Peter Parker’s high school years, one that brought back the Rick Roll (much to the collective chagrin of players).
Light spoiler warning ahead, this mission is one of the first few in the game, so you won’t get spoiled too much if you haven’t played the Spider-Man 2 yet.
Spider-Man 2 players get Rick Rolled in 2023
While those who have been around on the internet for a while will remember the (often unwanted) prominence of the Rick Roll, it’s a reference that could be lost on some younger players.
However, those who fell victim to Rick Astley’s catchy hook on his hit “Never Gonna Give You Up” track many a time were taken aback by the song being referenced in Spider-Man 2, a new 2023 release.
Though it’s missing the iconic drum fill and catchy hook from the original song, Harry Osbourne’s poorly sung rendition of the song has certainly garnered big reactions from players.
While some bounced off the joke, others appreciated the throwback. Considering that it was meant to capture the time in which the game flashed back to, the devs clearly nailed it – whether it brought back good memories or bad ones for some players.
That said, it’s clearly had an impact. Right at the top of a thread discussing spoilers, a place where the game’s most dedicated players have already gotten through a bulk of the story content, is a player complaining that they got Rick Rolled: “I JUST GOT F***ING RICK ROLLED,” as they put it.
If you’re not worried about spoilers and want the full story of Spider-Man 2 explained, you can read our article breaking down the game’s plot.