YouTuber finally gets revenge on high school bully in public Smash Bros beatdown

Michael Gwilliam
poster for new yorkers to watch man fight high school bully in smash bros

YouTuber Anthony Po put up anonymous posters inviting people to watch him settle the score with his high school bully in Super Smash Bros and 300 people showed up.

When it comes to settling long-standing feuds, most influencers have been known to battle it out in the ring, but one YouTuber took things in a completely different direction and opted to use Nintendo’s flagship fighter instead.

In January, posters began popping up in New York advertising a showdown of epic proportions. “Watch me defeat my high school bully in Smash” they read, with a QR code with more info.

They began going viral and the day of the event, 300 people showed up to the Christopher Columbus Statue to watch the Smash Ultimate battle.

Anthony’s bully, however, ended up being fellow YouTuber Aiden Wall of 1 Minute Talk Show – someone the creator says was his former friend.

YouTuber crushes “high school bully” in massive Smash Bros duel

According to Anthony, in high school, they started a sketch comedy show and was “more sensitive” than Aiden was.

“Today, we reconcile all of that negative turmoil in three matches of Super Smash Bros Ultimate!” he told the crowd. “What better way to squash our beef.”

Unfortunately, the match itself was worse than watching friendlies between a couple of 0-2ers at a local with Anthony picking Yoshi while Aiden played Kirby and appeared to SD multiple times.

However, at the end of the video, Anthony confessed that the Smash footage wasn’t real and was recorded afterward because Aiden was so bad at the game and unable to take an actual stock off him.

As such, this wasn’t exactly the grand finals of EVO or Genesis, but that doesn’t mean Anthony doesn’t know a thing or two about viral events.

This isn’t the first time Anthony has hosted a massive event. In 2024, the creator launched a Timothee Chalamet lookalike contest in which 10,000 people attended.