Where to find Wiglett & Wugtrio in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Wiglett is a new Water-type Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet that bares a striking resemblance to Diglett. Here’s everything players need to know to catch the Garden Eel Pokemon for themselves.
Like previous Generations before it, The Pokemon Company revealed a handful of new Pokemon before the release of Scarlet & Violet.
One of those Pokemon was Wiglett, who instantly grabbed trainers’ attention thanks to its striking resemblance to Kanto’s Diglett, though the two are apparently not directly related.
This guide will show players journeying through Paldea where exactly they can find Wiglett and evolve it into Wugtrio.
Where to find Wiglett in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
True to its Pokedex category as the Garden Eel Pokemon, Wiglett can be found on various beaches around Paldea.
Specifically, Wiglett can be found along the beaches in the following areas below:
- East Province (Area Two)
- South Province (Area One)
- South Province (Area Six)
- Port Marinada

Notably, Wiglett hides in its hole if players approach too fast, meaning players will have to slowly sneak up to Wiglett and wait for it to pop out of its hole.
Where to find Wugtrio in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Like Wiglett, its evolution Wugtrio inhabits the beaches around the Paldea region. However, players will have to look around different coastlines to spot Wugtrio in the wild.
Trainers can find Wugtrio along the beaches in the following areas below:
- North Province (Area One) – coast north of Glaseado Mountain
- North Province (Area Three)
- East Province (Area Two)
- Port Marinada

Like its pre-evolution, Wugtrio also hides in its hole when trainers approach it. To catch one in the wild, players will have to sneak up on it similarly to Wiglett.
How to evolve Wiglett into Wugtrio
There is only one way for trainers to evolve their Wiglett into Wugtrio and that is to raise it to level 26. If this sounds familiar, that’s because it’s the same level that Kanto’s Diglett evolves into Dugtrio.
While Wiglett isn’t considered a Regional variant of Diglett in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, it seems the two Pokemon share more than just their appearance with one another.
And that’s everything players need to know about finding Wiglett and Wugtrio in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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