Where to find Tropius in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Tropius is a returning lake-dwelling dinosaur Pokemon who’s back in Scarlet & Violet’s open world of Paldea Here’s where to find a wild Tropius.
A returning Pokemon for Scarlet and Violet, Tropius is a dual Grass/Flying-type dinosaur-themed Pokemon that made its debut in Gen 3 of the series. This Pokemon is part plant, part brontosaurus, and mostly resembles a small sauropod with leafy wings
Don’t forget to familiarize yourself with the complete Pokedex in Scarlet & Violet, all of the Pokemon currently missing in SV, our Gen 9 type chart to help you master your next Gym Battle, or where you can buy Gen 9 if you still haven’t set out on your journey to catch ’em all.
Below, we’ll cover where you can find Tropius in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet as well as the various locations where it can be caught in the game.

Where to find Tropius in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Tropius is most often found exploring the wild areas of West Province (Area Two) and the Cassarova Lake locations of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
The Pokemon is relatively common but cannot be found outside of this northwestern region of Paldea.
Does Tropius have an evolution?
Tropius has been around since Pokemon Ruby and Saphire and is not known to evolve into anything else. This is still the case in Pokemon Scarlet or Violet.
So there you have it, how to find Tropius in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
All new Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet | Starter Pokemon details | Scarlet & Violet Pokedex | What is Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s region? | Everything we know about Scarlet & Violet so far | What is Terastallizing? | All Paldean forms | All new characters