Where to find Meditite & Medicham in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet brought back a lot of monsters from past Generations, like the Fighting/Psychic-types Meditite and Medicham. Here’s how to find them around Paldea.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet brought back many Pokemon from past Generations, including those from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn.
Two of those Pokemon from the Hoenn region that make a return include Meditite and Medicham, who carry a fairly unique type combination of Psychic/Fighting.
While Gallade also shares the Psychic/Fighting type, it can be quite hard to find, making Meditite and Medicham great Pokemon to add to the team. So, here’s how trainers can find the Meditate Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet.
Where to find Meditite in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
According to Meditite’s Pokedex entry, it is mainly found in mountainous areas and caves. It is also sensitive to the presence of humans, meaning it will notice trainers much easier.
Thankfully, Meditite will not run away when approached so trainers should have any trouble encountering one. Here’s where players can find Meditite:
- South Province (Area Four) – along the mountainous ridge between Los Platos
- South Province (Area Six) – in the cave leading up to Alfornada
- West Province (Area Two) – the mountainous area near Asado Desert

Where to find Medicham in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Like its pre-evolution, Medicham is also only found in mountainous areas and caves. However, unlike Meditite, Medicham is only found in two areas.
Trainers can encounter Medicham in the cave system leading up to Alfornada, though it may take a while to encounter. However, trainers can also find Medicham in certain areas of The Great Crater of Paldea.

How to evolve Meditite in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Those who’ve raised Meditite in the Hoenn region will be familiar with how it evolves as the method has not changed since its introduction. To evolve Meditite, trainers will need to raise it to level 37 where it will evolve into Medicham.

And that’s everything trainers need to know about finding Meditite and Medicham in Generation 9. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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