Where to find Luvdisc in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Trainers looking for a challenge may want to consider raising a Luvdisc, which returns in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Here’s everything trainers need to know about finding Luvdisc around Paldea.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s full Pokedex sees the return of a variety of different Pokemon from past Generations, including iconic creatures like Pikachu and Eevee.
Additionally, while some truly formidable Pokemon return like Tyranitar, Salamence, and Goodra, some not-so-formidable Pokemon can be found throughout Paldea as well, like the Grass-type Sunkern.
Another one of the weaker Pokemon to return is Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire’s Luvdisc, who has earned a reputation among the fanbase for its underwhelming performance in battle. Regardless, here’s how players can find it in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Where to find Luvdisc in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
True to its Water typing, Luvdisc is primarily found swimming in water. Specifically, Luvdisc is only found in the southern, western, and eastern seas of Paldea.

Does Luvdisc evolve in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
Unfortunately, Luvdisc did not gain a new evolution in Generation 9, like Primeape and Bisharp. This also means that Luvdisc’s lackluster stats did not receive any notable boost in Generation 9.
While Pokemon with low base stat totals like Snom and Sunkern often receive a much-needed boost upon evolution, there’s no hope of Luvdisc raising its 330 base stat total. This combined with the fact that Luvdisc’s abysmal 30-base Attack and 40-base Special Attack have stayed the same means Luvdisc will inevitably struggle to hold its own in battle once again in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

And that’s everything trainers need to know about finding Luvdisc in Generation 9. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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