Where to find Falinks in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Falinks is one of the many returning Pokemon from Generation 8 found around the Paldea region. Here’s everything trainers need to know about finding Falinks in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet brought back a number of different Pokemon that were introduced in Generation 8, like Arrokuda, Silicobra, and Applin.
Among those returning Pokemon is Falink, who proves to be a fairly unique Fighting type and the only Pokemon capable of learning No Retreat, which boosts each one of Falinks’ stat by one stage.
However, it might prove to be a bit difficult to find Falinks in the wild in order for trainers to add it to their team or complete their Pokedex. As such, here’s everything trainers need to know about finding the Formation Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet.
Where to find Bruxish in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
While Falinks is not considered a rare Pokemon according to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Pokedex, Falinks is only found in three different locations around Paldea.
Trainers can find Falinks in West Province (Area One) near the ruins located east of the Pokemon Center. Falinks is also found around the Asado Desert ruins located near the north exit of the area.
Finally, trainers can find Falinks around North Province (Area Two) in the bamboo groves before Eri’s Team Star base.

Does Falinks evolve in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
Unfortunately, Falinks did not receive an evolution in Generation 9, as Primeape and Bisharp did. As such, players should expect Falinks’ stats to stay the same throughout raising it.
However, unlike some other Pokemon who don’t evolve, Falinks has respectable stats despite its lack of evolution. Particularly, it boasts an impressive 100-base Attack and Defense stat, as well as a solid 70-base Special Attack stat.
And that’s everything trainers need to know about finding Falinks in Generation 9. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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