The humble Bidoof is key to this wild Pokemon Legends Arceus “hack”

If you’re a brand new Pokemon Legends Arceus player – or perhaps just someone who likes to speedrun games – this new “hack” for the open-world Pocket Monster game should be a blast to try out.
However, while some tricks involve a complicated series of button-mashing sequences or even more complex methods of input, this latest technique is all about the lowly Bidoof. Well, it’s evolution Bibarel, which is really just a big Bidoof.
The original idea was shared in a Reddit post, where a Trainer shared themselves crossing a body of water, using nothing but Bibarel as stepping stones.
Ordinarily, in Pokemon Legends Arceus players cannot cross water until later in the game when they unlock Basculegion, so this strange and rather painstakingly slow technique could be used to reach new areas before players are meant to.
The player brings the Bibarel out into the field and forces them out in front of them, where the Bibarel sits static in the water. Then, the trainer can walk on the back of them, making a small bridge by repeatedly using the same Pokemon.
Other players reacted to the technique with a mixture of bewilderment and jokes, with one comment saying, “This is a new level of beaver dam.” Though another player takes it further, adding, “Nah that’s a beaver bridge.”
Some were just amazed at the possibility of this technique, as one person said, “I didn’t even know that was possible” before another backed it up by saying, “Had no idea this was possible lol. Talk about resourcefulness!”
However, while this is possible across shallow bodies of water, it seems that it is very limited. As one viewer asked, “waaaiiit can you skip portions of the game like this?”
The community had some answers, as one person explained “I don’t think so” but that players might be able to get to the “volcanic island” early though if they “doubt the misfortune sisters would show up before you get Basculegion.”
Others question even the point of the technique, saying that even if it is possible to skip to new areas early, instead “it might be faster to just do the Basculegion quest instead of building a Bibarrel bridge all the way over there.”
Though, a final comment explains the reasons behind these sorts of fun techniques, adding, “Faster? Perhaps. As Fulfilling? Not a chance.”