Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Vaporeon card could be OP if Misty Actually works

The Mythical Island expansion is about to drop in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and the new Vaporeon card could finally make Water-type decks more useable – if the Misty Trainer card functions correctly.
The first new expansion to Pokemon TCG Pocket will be released on December 17, and with it, new ex and standard cards are set to shake up the decks currently being favored in the meta. Mythical Island includes Mew ex, new Trainer cards, and a standard Vaporeon card with a special ability.
Unfortunately, any Water deck is reliant on the Misty Trainer card, which is currently under fire by players for its tendency to throw tails constantly, preventing energy acceleration during matches. The Misty card allows a player to pick one Water-type Pokemon and flip a coin until they hit tails. For every heads, they can attach a Water Energy from the Energy Zone to the selected Pokemon.

However, this Trainer card is a complete bust if you flip tails on the first try, and with only two per deck, the failure stings badly for those trying to tackle Mewtwo ex or Charizard ex in PvP.
Vaporeon could dominate in Pokemon TCG Pocket
What makes Vaporeon so special for Pokemon TCG Pocket players is its ability “Wash Out.” There are already a few profound abilities in the meta, with Gardevoir and Moltres ex being key components of successful deck builds.
Wash Out allows a player to move a Water Energy from a benched Water-type to an active Water-type. So how could this be OP? Here is an example for players looking to throw their opponent for a loop.

Say you have an Articuno ex on the bench with minimal or no Energy attached, and a Blastoise ex in the Active position that has taken heavy damage. The opponent is two prize points away from taking the match, but thinking back to the Vaporeon you have on the bench, you are about to clean up.
Using an X Speed, you retreat Blastoise to the bench and send out Articuno. You play Misty from your hand onto Articuno. You get one heads and attach an energy. You use Vaporeon’s ability and transfer an energy from Blastoise ex to Articuno ex, and then attach your Energy for your turn, as well.
Articuno is now ready to attack in a single turn and Blizzard sweeps your opponent away.
In short, Vapreon’s ability will allow players to shuffle existing energy around, reloading fresh Pokemon that are less at risk of a KO. While not a straightforward tactic, it is effective and could unseat your opponent’s active strategy.
It is also possible that Vaporeon will come in handy during future expansions, as more Water-types are added to the Pokemon TCG Pocket card lists.