Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event: Dates, missions, rewards & more

Raissa Jerez
pokemon tcg pocket space time smackdown emblem event

A new Emblem Event arrived in Pokemon TCG Pocket to celebrate the Space-Time Smackdown expansion and will fill players with special items, Pack Hourglasses, Shinedust, and more.

The Pokemon TCG Pocket Emblem Events allow players to win special tokens that show off their batting skills. To do so, they must go up against each other in Versus battles to gather wins and receive special Emblems to put on their profiles.

The skilled players who wish to partake in this competition should know every detail, including how long the event will last and what other rewards they can get.

Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event: Date & time

The Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event in Pokemon TCG Pocket will run from February 4, 2025, until February 25, 2025. This means fans have a very long time to acquire all the available Emblems.

Missions & rewards

Unlike the Genetic Apex SP 1 Event, the Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event doesn’t require consecutive wins.

Players just need to gather the required amount of wins if they want to get the ultimate prize. Here are the missions and rewards for the event:

Participate in 1 Versus battlex3 Pack Hourglass
Participate in 3 Versus battlex3 Pack Hourglass
Participate in 5 Versus battlex6 Pack Hourglass
Participate in 10 Versus battlex12 Pack Hourglass
Win 1 Versus battlex50 Shinedust
Win 3 Versus battlex100 Shinedust
Win 5 Versus battlex200 Shinedust
Win 10 Versus battlex500 Shinedust
Win 25 Versus battlex1000 Shinedust
Win 50 Versus battlex2000 Shinedust

Pack Hourglasses & Shinedust

While Pack Hourglasses can be used to decrease the timer that gives players free Booster Packs daily, the Shinedust is more of a cosmetic.

Shinedust allows players to add Flair to their favorite Pokemon cards, so when they have enough copies of the same one, they can trade them – along with some Shinedust – for some pretty effects.


Besides the missions mentioned above, players can earn the distinguished and very sought-after Event Emblems. Here are the Emblems for the Space-Time Smackdown set:

1 Winemblem event
5 Winsspace-time smackdown emblem event 2
25 Winsspace-time smackdown emblem event 3
45 Winsspace-time smackdown emblem event 4

Best decks to use

If you want to earn the top Event Emblem, you must win an incredible amount of PvP battles. For that, we’d recommend rotating between three decks: Weavile ex & Darkrai ex, the Darkrai ex & Magnezone, and the Weezing & Arbok for those who are a little behind in the game and are still missing some key cards.

– Sneasel x2
– Weavile ex x2
– Spiritomb x1
– Darkrai ex x2
– Sabrina x1
– Cyrus x2
– Dawn x2
– Proffesor’s Research x2
– Giant Cape x2
– X Speed x2
– Poke Ball x2
– Magnemite x2
– Magneton x2
– Magnezone x2
– Druddigon x2
– Darkrai ex x2
– Sabrina x1
– Leaf x1
– Cyrus x1
– Professor’s Research x2
– Giant Cape x2
– Pokemon Communication x1
– Poke Ball x2
– Koffing x2
– Weezing x2
– Ekans x2
– Arbok x2
– Darkrai ex x1
– Koga x2
– Sabrina x2
– Leaf x2
– Dawn x1
– Professor’s Research x2
– Poke Ball x2

That’s all you need to know about Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Space-Time Smackdown Emblem Event. Check out our guides for the best Rental Decks, all the Promo Card available, and the events schedule as well as all the secret missions.