Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island card will make the meta worse

Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Mythical Island expansion is set to add powerful new cards to the game, but one threatens to stagnate the meta and make it worse than it currently is.
In both the Pokemon TCG and Pocket, there are cards that can evolve in the same manner as the games, but require you to have each of them in your hand and gradually place them on the field. There are also powerful Basic ex cards, which give you two Points instead of one when knocked out.
Right now, the Pokemon Pocket meta is overflowing with Basic cards that don’t require any setup, and one card coming in the Mythical Island boosters will make it worse. This is due to an Ability that will make evolution decks far riskier than they are now.

Mythical Island’s Aerodactyl ex is going to spoil the meta
Aerodactyl ex has the Primeval Law Ability, which prevents the opponent from evolving their Active Pokemon with a card from their hand. This Ability works while Aerodactyl ex is on the Bench, so it can safely evolve in the back.
The problem is that the current Pokemon Pocket meta is dominated by Basic Pikachu ex and Mewtwo ex cards, while the dreaded Starmie ex only requires a single evolution to run properly, and that can be done from the Bench.
Aerodactyl ex is already a beefy Pokemon with one Energy Retreat Cost. Additionally, its powerful 80-damage attack only needs two Energy, one of which is Fighting, allowing it to fit in dual Energy decks. This means it has the potential to appear in a variety of combinations, so long as players use Old Amber cards to get it on the field.
If Aerodactyl ex becomes prominent, it will dissuade players from using evolution cards, as there is too much threat of this fossil shutting them down.
Meanwhile, you have the mighty Mew ex also arriving in Mythical Island, which will make Basic decks even more enticing.
Hopefully, Mythical Island will introduce card effects that allow for unconventional evolution methods, as Aerodactyl ex’s power to shut down a major part of the game’s mechanics is going to ensure the meta doesn’t change that much in the next set.