Pokemon Go Primal Rumblings event: Dates, Rayquaza featured attack & bonuses, & Challenges

Pokemon Go’s Primal Rumblings event has been announced as part of Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn Global. Here’s when it starts, ends, and what’s included – with a featured attack debut for Rayquaza.
The event was confirmed by Niantic on January 30, via their official blog, and follows on from Tour Hoenn which added Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon.
Rayquaza’s featured attack is not the only thing to get excited about, as the festivities will also bring more Field Research tasks to grind through, encounters, Shiny Pokemon, as well as a Collection Challenge and more special event stickers.
Here’s everything we know so far…
Pokemon Go Primal Rumblings dates and times
It kicks off on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at 10:00 am (local time).
Primal Rumblings ends on Friday, February 24, 2023, at 10:00 pm (local time).
Wild Encounters

The following Pokemon will appear in Primal Rumblings encounters, with boldened names appearing rarer:
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Wurmple
- Whismur
- Numel
- Barboach
- Grovyle
- Combusken
- Marshtomp
- Absol
Primal Rumblings event bonus
- 2× XP for evolving Pokemon
Rayquaza featured attack: Breaking Swipe
If you’re looking to get yourself a Rayquaza with the Breaking Swipe featured attack, you will need to encounter it during a raid while the Primal Rumblings event is ongoing.
In the blog post, they said: “Rayquaza encountered in raids from Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at 10:00 am. to Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at 10:00 am. local time will know the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.”
One-Star Raids
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
Three-Star Raids
- Grovyle
- Combusken
- Marshtomp
Five-Star Raids
- Rayquaza
Mega Raids
- Latios
- Latias
Field Research
Hoenn-themed Field Research tasks will be available during this event. The blog says: “Complete the research tasks to earn items that will help you prepare for Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn – Global!”
The event-themed research tasks and possible rewards are as follows:
- Catch a Treeko
- Pokeballs x 10
- Great Balls x 5
- Ultra Balls x 2
- Catch a Torchic
- Pokeballs x 10
- Great Balls x 5
- Ultra Balls x 2
- Catch a Mudkip
- Pokeballs x 10
- Great Balls x 5
- Ultra Balls x 2
- Catch 3 Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region
- Razz Berries x 10
- Pinap Berries x 10
How to complete Primal Rumblings Collection Challenge
A Primal Rumblings Collection Challenge will kick off, with the following instructions: “Complete the Evolution-themed Collection Challenge to receive Ultra Balls and a Rocket Radar!”
Players will have to catch and evolve the following Pokemon to earn ten Ultra Balls and a Rocket Radar.
Pokemon | Method |
Treecko | Catch in the wild |
Torchic | Catch in the wild |
Mudkip | Catch in the wild |
Sceptile | Evolve a Grovyle |
Blaziken | Evolve a Combuskin |
Swampert | Evolve a Marshtomp |