Pokemon Go players want ability to devolve Shinies after disappointing evolutions

Shiny Pokemon have been part of the franchise since Gen 2 and, while many have incredible color schemes, some of their evolutions have designs that make players regret evolving.
The first Shiny Pokemon to ever appear was a Shiny Gyarados, who shocked every Pokemon Gold & Silver player with its bright red body – very different from its usual blue.
However, while plenty of Shiny Pokemon look cool, many just get a lighter or darker color tone. Worse yet, there are some Shinies with excellent color palettes, but their evolutions end up being depressingly dull or barely noticeable, which is exactly what happened to a Pokemon Go player.
Pokemon Go player regrets evolving their coveted Shiny
A user from the Pokemon Go Reddit shared the moment they evolved their very cool-looking Shiny Geodude – which resembles a Gold nugget – into Shiny Golem.
While the moment should have been an incredible experience, it ended up being quite disappointing, as the differences between regular and Shiny Golem are barely noticeable, with the Pokemon getting a slightly yellowish tone.
The author shared their regret by saying they shouldn’t have been so hasty to evolve Shiny Geodude and the post’s comment section exploded with other players sharing their opinions and experiences.
A user wrote “Shiny Blissey is worst, lol. Shouldn’t have evolved Shiny Chansey”, and another replied “Sometimes the Shinies leave me thinking wtf???”, alluding to other upsetting Shiny evolutions mentioned such as Togepi, Garchomp, Plusle, and Minun.
Some took a more positive approach by assuring the player they would find another Shiny Geodude along the way, with one saying, “I evolved my Shiny Staryu… was very sad, but I eventually got another one and will never evolve it”.
Whereas some cautious players search online for what Shinies look like before evolving them, others get carried away with excitement and do it without taking into consideration that they could end up regretting their decision.

Unfortunately – unlike in other franchises such as Digimon – Pokemon does not offer mechanics or methods to roll back their evolution.
However, some users suggested a Shiny preview screen or a Shiny Pokedex should be included in the game so players can make an informed decision before tapping the ‘Evolve’ button on their Shinnies’ page.
This could be beneficial and – in the Pokedex’s case – it shouldn’t be too hard to implement since there’s already a way to see the differences between regular and Shiny Pokemon, though only if you previously caught one.