Pokemon Go player wastes Master Ball on tragically bad Shiny Legendary

Raissa Jerez
Sad Ash Ketchum

A Pokemon Go player used a Master Ball to catch a Shiny Galarian Bird, however, the disappointment didn’t take long to arrive when they realized their huge mistake.

Legendaries are the ultimate creatures in Pokemon Go, and as such, players are always hunting them down. Some of the hardest ones to obtain are the Galarian Birds, which are regional forms of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.

These mighty birds can only be found in the wild while using Daily Adventure Incense, and they have a flee rate of 90%. So, when a lucky player came across a Shiny Galarian Articuno, they didn’t hesitate to use a Master Ball to secure the catch.

Two hard-hitting facts

A Pokemon Go player shared on the game’s Reddit page that they came across a Shiny Galarian Articuno and immediately decided to use a Master Ball to secure a catch.

However, when they checked the Pokemon stats, they realized the Shiny Galarian Articuno had terrible IVs. The appraisal feature showed no stars at all, with zero Attack, bad Defense, and only good HP, which meant the Pokemon could not be used for battle at all.

Sympathetic players jumped into the comments section with one sharing, “Yeah, you good. I did the same thing back in November” while another posted the picture of a regular Galarian Articuno with even worse stats and a message that read “Bro I used a Master Ball for this just now…”

But that wasn’t the only bad news awaiting the player, as a user made a comment that said, “The Shiny G-Birds won’t flee as long as you have balls. They’re still a pain in the butt to catch and will burn through your Poke Balls like crazy, but won’t run on you”, meaning the player not only had bad luck, but they had also made a terrible mistake by wasting a Master Ball to avoid being fled upon.

It might not be common knowledge for players who don’t follow every Pokemon Go news, but even though Galarian Birds have a 90% flee rate, their Shiny variations cannot escape from any encounter as long as the player holds any type of Ball in their inventory.

Surprisingly, it’s not all bad news. A few users offered to trade the lousy creature for another one, as IVs change when Pokemon are transferred. Let’s hope the unlucky trainer can make up for the error by exchanging the Shiny Galarian Articuno for a Pokemon more suited for combat.

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