Pokemon Go Kyurem Raid guide: Weaknesses & best counters

Wondering what Kyurem’s weaknesses are in Pokemon Go? Or whether it can be Shiny? You’ll find all the answers you need, including the best counters, in our 5-Star Raid guide.
For the second half of December 2023, Unova’s Legendary Kyurem will appear in 5-Star Raids, giving Trainers another chance to catch this powerful Dragon/Ice-type and complete the Tao trio, along with Zekrom and Reshiram.
Pokemon Go players can face Kyurem in 5-star Raids from December 16 to December 23.
As with any Legendary Pokemon, though, you’ll need to come prepared if you want to win this battle. That’s why we’ve compiled a guide featuring its weaknesses, the best counters for your team, and details of its Shiny variation.

Kyurem weaknesses in Pokemon GO
The Legendary Kyurem is a Dragon/Ice-type, which means it’s weak against Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Rock, and Steel-type moves, which gives you many options to take into battle.
It’s important to know what not to use as well. Kyurem is resistant to Electric, Grass, and Water-type moves, so avoid taking Pokemon of those types into battle wherever possible, as they won’t last long.
Best Kyurem counters in Pokemon Go
Some of the best and most accessible counters for defeating Kyurem are listed below:
Pokemon | Moves |
Shadow Metagross | Bullet Punch & Meteor Mash |
Mega Rayquaza | Dragon Tail & Breaking Swipe |
Mega Diancie | Rock Throrw & Dazzling Gleam |
Terrakion | Double Kick & Sacred Sword |
Mega Blaziken | Counter & Focus Blast |
Lucario | Counter & Dynamic Punch |
Shadow Rhyperior | Smack Down & Rock Wrecker |
Keldeo | Low Kick & Sacred Sword |
Shadow Excadrill | Metal Claw & Iron Head |
Mega Gardevoir | Charm & Dazzling Gleam |
Mega Garchomp | Dragon Tail & Outrage |
Mega Tyranitar | Smack Down & Stone Edge |
How to catch Kyurem in Pokemon Go
If you want to add Kyurem to your collection, you’ll first need to defeat it in a 5-Star Raid Battle. You’ll then be given a limited amount of Premier Balls to attempt to catch it – although a catch isn’t guaranteed.
You can improve your chances of catching Kyurem by using Berries and landing Excellent Throws or Curve Balls. You’ll also get more Premier Balls for raiding in a gym of your color or defeating Kyurem quickly.

Can Kyurem be Shiny in Pokemon Go?
The good news is that Shiny Kyurem is currently available in Pokemon Go. It made its debut during the Holidays 2021 event.
You’ll need a lot of patience (and luck) to find a Shiny Kyurem, though, as there’s estimated to be around a 1 in 20 chance of encountering one. Take part in as many Raids as possible and hope for the best.
That’s everything you need to know about Kyurem in Pokemon Go! Check out some of our other guides below:
Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go | All upcoming Spotlight Hours | Arlo counters guide | Cliff counters guide | Giovanni counters guide | Sierra counters guide | Grunt counters guide | How to catch a Ditto | What are Strange Eggs? | How to get Remote Raid Passes | Fastest way to get Best Buddy status | Pokemon Go catching tips