Pokemon Go Holiday Part 1 event: Shiny Sandygast and costumed Dedenne debuts, special Raids & more

Niantic revealed details of one of the final Pokemon Go events of the year called Holiday Part 1, which will debut Shiny Sandygast and a costumed Dedenne, as well as other surprises.
Even though the Dual Destiny season has just begun, the year is about to end, and to celebrate the holiday season, Pokemon Go is bringing a themed event divided into two parts.
The Holiday Part 1 event will bring a couple of debuts, costumed creatures making special appearances, plenty of wild spawns, new Egg hatches, and of course Field Research Tasks. Read all the details below so you don’t miss any fun moments.
Pokemon Go Holiday Part 1 event dates & times
The Holiday Part 1 event begins on Tuesday, December 17, at 10:00 AM and will last until Sunday, December 22, 2024, at 9:59 PM local time.
Holiday Part 1 event bonuses
During the holiday event, Pokemon Go players will be able to take advantage of the following bonuses:
- x2 XP from catching Pokemon.
- 1/2 hatch distance for Eggs placed in Incubators during the event.
Pokemon debuts & wild encounters

Niantic’s costumed Pokemon collection keeps growing with every passing year, and now a new addition is coming during the holiday season.
Dedenne wearing holiday attire will debut during the Holiday Part 1 event and lucky players will be able to find it in its Shiny variation, too.
As if that was not enough, Shiny Sandygast is also making its way into the game and will appear in the wild along with all of these creatures:
- Alolan Sandshrew*
- Alolan Diglett*
- Swinub*
- Delibird wearing a holiday ribbon*
- Numel*
- Snover*
- Darumaka*
- Litleo*
- Bergmite*
Pokemon marked with an ‘*’ can appear as Shiny.
Raid encounters
From December 17, 2024, until December 22, 2024, the Raids will change for the following Pokemon to appear as Raid bosses:
1-Star Raids
- Pikachu wearing a Winter Carnival outfit*
- Psyduck wearing holiday attire*
- Dedenne wearing holiday attire*
- Sandygast*
3-Star Raids
- Stantler wearing a holiday outfit*
- Glaceon wearing an Undersea holiday outfit*
- Cryogonal*
Mega Raids
- Mega Latias*
- Mega Latios*
Pokemon marked with an ‘*’ can appear as Shiny.
The current 7 km Egg hatch pool will rotate during the Holiday Part 1 event. These are the Pokemon players will be able to get from 7 km Eggs then:
- Hisuian Growlithe*
- Pichu with summer flair*
- Spheal wearing a holiday scarf*
- Cubchoo wearing a holiday ribbon*
- Amaura*
- Charcadet
All the creatures mentioned above – except Charcadet – can appear as Shiny.

Field & Paid Timed Research
Even-themed Field Research tasks will be available during the event. Those who complete them will earn encounters with the featured Pokemon.
There will also be an event-exclusive Timed Research that players can access for US $2.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency). The rewards for completing the Timed Research include:
- x2 Premium Battle Passes
- x1 Incubator
- 1,500 Stardust
- Encounters with event-themed Pokemon
Collection challenges & PokeStop Showcases
Players can complete catch and raid-focused Collection Challenges to receive Stardust, Poke Balls, and Great Balls.
Likewise, there will be plenty of Showcases at different PokeStops where players can enter event-themed Pokemon to participate.
Pokemon Go Web Store deals
Those looking for more items can purchase either of the two boxes from the Pokemon Go Web Store:
Ultra Holiday Box (US $4.99)
- x1 Pokemon Storage upgrade
- x1 Item Bag upgrade
- x17 Rare Candies
Holiday Part 1 Ultra Ticket Box (US $6.99)
- Tickets for the Holiday Part 1 & Holiday Part 2 events
- x1 bonus Premium Battle Pass
Keep in mind that players can only buy one of each per account.
That’s all there is to know about the Holiday Part 1 event in Pokemon Go. Remember to stay up to date with all the ongoing events like the Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour, Community Day, and the current Raid Boss schedule.