Pokemon Go Hisuian Discoveries Collection Challenge & Field Research tasks

Daniel Megarry
A poster for the Pokemon Go Hisuian Discoveries Collection Challenge

The Pokemon Go Hisuian Discoveries event has arrived with a themed Collection Challenge to complete and a brand new set of Field Research tasks to uncover.

Collection Challenges are special event-exclusive quests in Pokemon Go that require players to catch a specific lineup of Pokemon before time runs out, with rewards usually including XP and useful items.

The latest Collection Challenge to arrive in Pokemon Go is tied in with the Hisuian Discoveries event, as it tasks you with catching creatures found in Hisui like Octillery, Hisuian Qwilfish, and Hisuian Voltorb.

Below, you’ll find all the information you need to complete the Hisuian Discoveries Collection Challenge in Pokemon Go, as well as details of all the event-exclusive Field Research tasks available.

Pokemon Go Shiny Remote Raid

Pokemon Go Hisuian Discoveries Collection Challenge explained

These are the Pokemon you’ll need to catch to complete the Hisuian Discoveries Collection Challenge:

Pokemon How to catch Sprite
Hisuian Voltorb Available in the wild & hatching from 7km Eggs Hisuian Voltorb
Buizel Available in the wild Buizel
Aipom Available in the wild Aipom
Ponyta Available in the wild Ponyta
Drifloon Available in the wild Drifloon
Hisuian Qwilfish Available in the wild & hatching from 7km Eggs Hisuian Qwilfish in the Hisuian Discoveries Collection Challenge
Tangela Available in the wild Tangela Pokemon Go Dex
Onix Available in the wild Onix in Pokemon Go
Croagunk Available in the wild Croagunk in the Hisuian Discoveries Collection Challenge
Bronzor Available in the wild Bronzor
Gible Available in the wild Gible Pokemon Go
Octillery Available in the wild Octillery

Once you’ve caught all of these Pokemon you’ll be rewarded with 7000 XP, 3000 Stardust, and an Incubator. It will also be added to your Elite Collectors Medal.

Pokemon Go Hisuian Discoveries Field Research tasks

These are all of the Hisuian Discoveries Field Research tasks and rewards:

  • Catch 10 Pokemon – Paras, Psyduck, or Magnemite encounter
  • Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokemon – Cyndaquil, Oshawott, or Rowlet encounter
  • Hatch an Egg – Sneasel encounter
  • Battle in a Raid – Remoraid or Mantine encounter
  • Win a Raid – Shinx encounter
  • Send 3 Gifts and add a sticker to each – Clefairy or Petilil encounter
  • Send 5 Gifts and add a sticker to each – Plant Burmy, Sand Burmy, or Trash Burmy encounter

You can unlock these event-exclusive Field Research tasks by spinning PokeStops during event hours, although they’ll be given out at random so you can’t guarantee which one you’ll get.

The Hisuian Discoveries event begins on Wednesday, July 27, at 10am and runs until Tuesday, August 2, at 8pm local time so you’ve got just under a week to complete all of these tasks.