Pokemon Go Goodra: Best moveset for PvP and Raids

Philip Trahan
pokemon go goodra

Pokemon Go trainers can find the adorable Dragon-type Goomy in the wild, which evolves into the powerful pseudo-Legendary Goodra. Let’s go over Goodra’s best moveset for both PvP and Raid content.

For those trainers interested in competitive play, Pokemon Go’s Master Premier League is taking place from June 28, 2024, at 1 PM PDT until July 5, 2024, at 1 PM PDT.

Players looking to bring in one of the strongest Pokemon to the competition can find exactly what they need in the Dragon-type Goodra, who made its debut in the series through Generation 6.

Without further ado, let’s go over this powerhouse’s best moveset for both PvP and Raid content.

Pokemon Go Goodra

All moves Goodra can learn in Pokemon Go

In Pokemon Go, Goodra has access to two Fast Moves and six Charged Moves. Goodra has access to five different types across its move pool.

Goodra can learn the following moves:

Fast Moves

  • Dragon Breath (Dragon/STAB)
  • Water Gun (Water)

Charged Moves

  • Aqua Tail (Water)
  • Thunder Punch (Electric)
  • Sludge Wave (Poison)
  • Power Whip (Grass)
  • Draco Meteor (Dragon)
  • Muddy Water (Water)

Pokemon Go Goodra: Best moveset for PvP

Goodra’s best PvP moveset in Pokemon Go is Dragon Breath as its Fast Move, with Aqua Tail and Power Whip as Charged Moves.

The choice of Fast Move should go to Dragon Breath, as it benefits from STAB and has slightly better stats compared to Water Gun.

While Goodra has access to a wide range of Charge Moves, Aqua Tail and Power Whip are the two best choices for PvP. Aqua Tail is a spammy Charge Move that provides great type coverage and helps combat prevalent Steel-types in PvP.

Power Whip boasts great type coverage for Goodra, doesn’t cost too much energy, and serves as a great answer to strong Water-types in the meta.

Pokemon Go Goodra: Best moveset for Raids

Goodra’s best Raid moveset in Pokemon Go is Dragon Breath as its Fast Move, with Draco Meteor and Aqua Tail as Charged Moves.

In Raid content, it’s generally a good idea to keep a Pokemon’s moves to a single type, and both Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor will benefit from Dragon-type STAB.

Trainers can opt for Aqua Tail as its second Charge Move for some versatility.

And there you have it. That’s everything you need to know about Goodra’s best moveset for PvP and Raid content in Pokemon Go. For more Pokemon Go content, check out our guides on the rest of the Pokemon Go events happening in July, including Aquatic Paradise.