Pokemon Go Finding Your Voice Special Research tasks & Meloetta rewards

Pokemon Go’s Fashion Week has arrived, and Trainers have a brand new Special Research called Finding Your Voice to complete and earn an encounter with the Mythical Meloetta!
Meloetta made its Pokemon Go debut during Go Fest 2021, but only Trainers who purchased a ticket for the annual event were able to complete the event-exclusive Special Research and get the chance to catch the Mythical creature Meloetta.
Now, during the Season of Mischief’s latest event, Fashion Week, all Trainers will have the chance to unlock an encounter with Meloetta! Those who already caught one during Go Fest 2021 will be able to earn 20 Meloetta Candy instead.
The Finding Your Voice Special Research story begins on September 21, 2021, at 10AM local time with no completion deadline. Below, you’ll find all of the research tasks and the great rewards on offer.

Pokemon Go Finding Your Voice Special Research tasks
Here are all of the steps, tasks, and rewards for the Finding Your Voice Special Research story in Pokemon Go:
Step 1 of 6
- Take a snapshot of your buddy – 1,000 XP
- Catch 30 Normal-type Pokemon – Glameow encounter
- Evolve 15 Pokemon – 30 Poke Balls
Rewards: Eevee encounter, 1,000 Stardust, and 1,000 XP
Step 2 of 6
- Use 30 Berries to help catch Pokemon – 20 Pinap Berries
- Earn 5 Candies walking with your Buddy – 1 Poffin
- Give your Buddy 3 treats – Chansey encounter
Rewards: Slugma encounter, 1,000 Stardust, and 1,000 XP
Step 3 of 6
- Win 3 Gym battles – Monferno encounter
- Battle in 3 Raids – 3 Max Potion
- Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts – 2 Premium Battle Passes
Rewards: Hariyama encounter, 1,000 Stardust, and 1,000 XP
Step 4 of 6
- Earn 20,000 Stardust – Chimecho encounter
- Catch 30 different species of Pokemon – Loudred encounter
- Spin 3 Pokestops – Kricketune encounter
Rewards: Meloetta encounter (or 20 Candy), 2,000 Stardust, and 2,000 XP
Step 5 of 6
- Take a snapshot of Meloetta – 20 Meloetta Candy
- Make a new friend – 1 Lucky Egg
- Send 3 Gifts to friends – 3 Revives
Rewards: 5 Meloetta Stickers, 2,500 Stardust, and 2,500 XP
Step 6 of 6
- Claim Reward – 3,000 XP
- Claim Reward – 3,000 XP
- Claim Reward – 3,000 XP
Rewards: 1 Lure Module, 20 Meloetta Candy, and 3 Rare Candy

What are the Finding Your Voice Special Research rewards?
The main reward on offer for completing the Finding Your Voice Special Research story is an encounter with the Mythical Pokemon Meloetta, which can be unlocked by completing Step 4.
Players who previously earned an encounter with Meloetta during Go Fest 2021 will get 20 Meloetta Candy instead. All players will be able to earn a further 20 Meloetta Candy as a reward in Step 5.
That’s not all, though, as players can also earn encounters with some other great Pokemon like Hariyama, Monferno, and Chansey, as well as 3 Rare Candy for completing all 6 Steps.
Once you’ve finished this Special Research story, check out all the other features you can enjoy during Fashion Week and the Season of Mischief.