Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event: Schedule, new Shinies & how to get tickets

The Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event will be a huge celebration that features Ultra Beasts and new Special Research stories, so here’s everything you need to know in order to prepare for it.
This year’s Pokemon Go Fest celebrations were enjoyed by players around the world, but Niantic isn’t stopping there, as there’s one final event to round off a summer of catching, trading, and exploring.
Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale will give trainers a chance to battle four Ultra Beasts, encounter the Mythical Sky Forme Shaymin, and enjoy four unique habitats with themed wild spawns to catch.
Below, you’ll find all the details you need to get ready for the Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event including dates and times as well as the differences between the ticketed and free experiences.
- Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale date & time
- Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale free features
- Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale ticketed features

Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event date & time
The Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event will take place on Saturday, August 27, 2022, from 10AM to 6PM. This is in each trainer’s local time, so there’s no need to worry about converting timezones.
Do I need to purchase a Pokemon Go Fest Finale event ticket?
If you previously purchased a ticket for the main Pokemon Go Fest event that took place in June 2022, you do not need to purchase a ticket for the Finale event as it’s included with your original ticket.
If you didn’t purchase a ticket for the main Pokemon Go Fest event, then you can buy a Finale ticket for $10.99 from the in-game shop. Alternatively, you can simply enjoy the free features on the day.
Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event: Free features

These are the features that all trainers can enjoy during the Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event, regardless of whether they’ve purchased a ticket or not:
New Shinies
For the first time ever in Pokemon Go, you will be able to encounter Shiny Munna during the Go Fest 2022 Finale event – if you’re lucky!
Special Research story
All players will be able to enjoy a short Special Research story during the Finale event. You can claim this by logging in at any point before the event ends.
Habitat Spawns
There will be four themed Habitats throughout the day, and you can see the spawn schedule below:
Time | Habitat | Wild Spawns |
10AM – 12PM | Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa | Anorith, Hitmontop, Karrablast, Kricketot, Meditite, Pinsir, Scyther, Sudowoodo, and Woobat |
12PM – 2PM | Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole | Axew, Cranidos, Drilbur, Geodude, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Machop, Magmar, and Numel |
2PM – 4PM | Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree | Burmy (Sandy), Combee, Electabuzz, Electrike, Foongus, Galarian Stunfisk, Joltik, Lileep, Shelmet, and Shinx |
4PM – 6PM | Ultra Incursion: Nihilego | Bulbasaur, Burmy (Plant), Chansey, Chikorita, Clefairy, Frillish, Munna, Omanyte, Skrelp, Swirlix, Tangela, Tentacool, and Turtwig |
There will also be a special costumed Pikachu wearing a Shaymin-inspired scarf appearing during each themed Habitat.
Ultra Beasts appearing in Raid Battles
Four different Ultra Beasts will be appearing in 5-Star Raids during the Finale event, and you can see the schedule below:
Time | Raid Boss |
10AM – 12PM | Pheromosa |
12PM – 2PM | Buzzwole |
2PM – 4PM | Xurkitree |
4PM – 6PM | Nihilego |
Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event: Ticketed features

These are the features that trainers can enjoy during the Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event if they’ve purchased a ticket:
Special Research stories with Sky Forme Shaymin
Alongside the free Special Research story, ticketholders will be able to enjoy three more short Special Research stories that will unlock throughout the day during the Finale event.
Completing all four of these stories will earn you an encounter with Sky Forme Shaymin, as well as avatar items including a Sky Forme Shaymin shirt and an Ultra Recon Squad helmet without a vizor.
Habitat Incense Spawns
Ticketholders will get special Incense spawns during each Habitat, which you can see below:
Time | Habitat | Incense Spawns |
10AM-12PM | Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa | Galarian Mr Mime, Pansage, Unown B, Unown G, Unown N, Unown O, Unown P, Unown S, and Unown X |
12PM-2PM | Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole | Pansear, Torkoal, Unown B, Unown G, Unown N, Unown O, Unown P, Unown S, and Unown X |
2PM-4PM | Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree | Klink, Unown B, Unown G, Unown N, Unown O, Unown P, Unown S, and Unown X |
4PM-6PM | Ultra Incursion: Nihilego | Frillish, Panpour, Tropius, Unown B, Unown G, Unown N, Unown O, Unown P, Unown S, and Unown X |
Free Raid Passes
Ticketholders can earn up to nine free Raid Passes by spinning Photo Discs at Gyms throughout the Finale event. These can only be used for in-person Raids.
The following bonuses will be available for ticketholders during the Finale event:
- Earn an extra 5000 XP when you win an in-person Raid.
- Incense activated during event hours will last for two hours.
- 1/2 Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in Incubators during event hours.
- Earn triple XP for spinning Photo Discs at PokeStops and Gyms.
- Take up to five snapshots during the event for a surprise.
With only eight hours to enjoy the Pokemon Go Fest 2022 Finale event, make sure you plan ahead to get the most of all the bonuses and features on offer.