Pokemon Go Deoxys Attack Forme: Best moveset for PvP and Raids

Deoxys Attack Forme is returning to Pokemon Go Raid battles, so those looking to catch and try out this incredible offensive Mythical need to know which movesets to use.
Unlike the other three Deoxys Formes (Normal, Defensive, and Speed), and despite its stats, the Attack Forme is not the best for PvP.
However, the meta in Niantic’s game tends to change frequently, meaning Deoxys Attack Forme might come in handy eventually.
So, if you’re planning on catching this Mythical upon its return as a Raid Boss, here are the best movesets for PvP and Raids.
Best moveset for PvP
The best moveset for Deoxys Attack Forme in PvP consists of Poison Jab as a Fast Move and Psycho Boost as a Charged Move.
Despite having STAB, Zen Headbutt is not the best option out of Deoxys Attack Forme’s Fast Moves. Instead, go with Poison Jab to deal a little bit more damage for the same energy cost.
As for the Charged Move, Psycho Boost is the smart choice, as it benefits from STAB, is very cheap, and deals decent damage.
If you can afford a secondary Charged Move, add Dark Pulse to the moveset, as it will expand the Pokemon’s coverage. Plus, Dark Pulse offers good damage for a reduced energy cost.
However, remember that this form of Deoxys is not good at PvP due to its lack of Defense, so think twice before adding it to your team.

Best moveset for Raids
In Raid battles, the best moveset players can teach Deoxys Attack Forme is Poison Jab as a Fast Move and Dark Pulse as a Charged Move, with 5.93 damage per second and 22.6 total damage output.
Deoxys Attack Forme is as bad at Raids as it is in PvP, so nothing changes between battles. However, if you still want to test it, first focus on the Charged Move.
Because Psycho Boost works horribly in Raids and Zap Cannon is extremely expensive and slow, the only way to go is with Dark Pulse. That said, Zen Headbutt has bad synergy with Dark Pulse, so you’re only left with Poison Jab again.
All moves Deoxys Attack Forme can learn in Pokemon Go
Gen 3’s pure Psychic-type Mythical Deoxys has two Fast Moves and three Charged Moves in its Attack Forme. All with many different types – ranging from Electric to Dark, and even Poison – to target a wide scope of enemies during battles.
Here are all the moves Deoxys Attack Forme can learn:
Fast Moves
- Poison Jab (Poison)
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic/STAB)
Charged Moves
- Dark Pulse (Dark)
- Zap Cannon (Electric)
- Psycho Boost (Psychic/STAB)
That’s everything you need to know about Deoxys Attack Forme best movesets in Pokemon Go. Remember to check our game coverage with the latest Pokemon Go events, the current Community Day, and Spotlight Hours.