Pokemon Go Cherubi evolution: How to get Cherrim Sunshine & Overcast forms

Pokemon Go’s Cherubi evolves into a Pokemon with two forms, Sunshine Cherrim and Overcast Cherrim, but it’s not immediately clear how to get both for your collection.
Cherubi is a unique species in Pokemon Go because it has a single evolution with two different forms. In the mainline games, this form constantly changes based on the weather, but it works a bit differently in Pokemon Go.
So whether you want to get Sunshine Cherrim or Overcast Cherrim, you’ll find everything you need to know about both Cherubi evolutions in Pokemon Go below – including their Shiny availability.
- Cherubi evolution explained
- How to get Sunshine Cherrim & Overcast Cherrim
- What’s the difference between the two forms?
- How to catch Cherubi
- Can Cherubi and Cherrim be Shiny?

Cherubi evolution in Pokemon Go explained
You’ll need to collect 50 Candy to evolve Cherubi into Cherrim. You can do this by catching loads of Cherubi, using Pinap Berries to increase the Candy you get, and transferring any Cherubi you don’t want.
Once you’ve collected enough Candy, it’s simply a case of choosing the Cherubi you want to evolve (looking at their stats by appraising them is a good way of deciding) and then pressing the ‘Evolve’ button.
How to get Sunshine Cherrim & Overcast Cherrim in Pokemon Go
Cherubi can evolve into either Sunshine Cherrim or Overcast Cherrim in Pokemon Go, but unfortunately, there’s no way of deciding which form you’ll get, as this evolution is decided at random.
This marks a departure from the mainline Pokemon games, where Cherubi would change into Sunshine Cherrim during sunny weather and change into Overcast Cherrim during any other weather condition.
While you can’t control which Cherubi evolution you’ll get in Pokemon Go, the weather does affect wild Cherrim spawns, so if you’re lucky enough to find a Cherrim this way it will be based on the weather.

Differences between Sunshine Cherrim & Overcast Cherrim
Sunshine Cherrim and Overcast Cherrim both have the same stats, typing, and max CP. The only difference is that Sunshine Cherrim can learn an extra Charged Move, Weather Ball (Fire).
Neither form is particularly good in Raids or in the Go Battle League, but Weather Ball (Fire) does give Sunshine Cherrim an edge, as being a Grass-type with a Fire-type move is quite unique.
How to get Cherrim’s pre-evolution Cherubi in Pokemon Go
Cherubi are quite rare in Pokemon Go, but you can catch them in the wild if you’re lucky. They’ll sometimes appear in the current Egg pool, although it’s not guaranteed they’ll be there.
Can Cherubi and Cherrim be Shiny in Pokemon Go?

Shiny Cherubi is available in Pokemon Go. This means both of its evolution’s forms, Sunshine Cherrim and Overcast Cherrim, can also be Shiny.
They made their Shiny debuts during the Sustainability Week 2022 event, where Cherubi had boosted spawns. As always, finding a Shiny Pokemon is never easy, so good luck hunting!
Now you know how to get Cherubi evolutions in Pokemon Go, check out some more guides below:
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