Pokemon Go Avatar clothing combinations instantly crash the game

Pokemon Go has tons of different unlockable outfits for player Avatars, but using certain clothing combinations can crash the game, pending any updates by Niantic.
Pokemon Go is well-known for its bugs, most of which are benign, such as missing textures or character models overlaying in humorous ways. Some are more serious, such as Roar of Time causing players to waste resources or missing out on Raid rewards due to connection problems.
One glitch that fans have reported in the past has cropped up again, thanks to users on The Silph Road Reddit. In this case, it’s the Allister Mask combined with certain items that have the ability to crash Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go’s Allister Mask can glitch the game
The Allister clothing set was available during Pokemon Go’s Max Out season. In order to unlock the Allister Mask, players had to achieve Veteran Rank before December 3. This was no small task, so lots of players likely missed out on unlocking it.
However, as reported online, people who combine the Allister Mask with the Wooloo Jacket from Pokemon Go’s Holiday 2024 Part 2 event, as well as the Giratina Hat, Solgaleo Hat, or Cetoddle Hat, can crash the game when the Avatar is viewed.
Users in the thread speculated that this combination could be used to make Gyms that are untakeable, as clicking on it would bring up the glitched Avatar and crash games. This would certainly be funny for trolls, but they wouldn’t get much out of it, as you need a Pokemon to be defeated in a Gym to get PokeCoins.
Niantic might not see this as an issue yet, considering the relative rarity of the Allister Mask, but if the glitch is weaponized and used to screw with other people’s games, then it should be fixed quickly. Hopefully, it won’t get to that point, and the devs will resolve the issue as soon as possible.