Maushold is now a Pokemon Scarlet & Violet VGC champ and fans are loving it

Each season of competitive Pokemon VGC play comes with new rules, and to kick off a new year of tournaments hundreds of eager Scarlet & Violet players descended on Baltimore to attend the recent 2025 Regional Championships, with a pretty big shake-up to the existing ruleset.
While Regulation G allowed the use of some Legendary Pokemon, the current Regulation H ruleset completely blocks any Legendary, Mythical, or Paradox Pokemon from being included in teams, which might have something to do with the humble Maushold taking home the VGC trophy.
The 2025 Baltimore regional ended up with Nicholas Morales being crowned the VG champ, as the Scarlet & Violet player brought a team consisting of Amoonguss, Incineroar, Pelipper, Basculegion, Archaludon, and – you guessed it – Maushold.
The reaction to the win has been huge, especially thanks to the unlikely victory at the hands of the tiny mouse Pokemon. Several fans reported that Baltimore attendees even started cheering at every Population Bomb hit that landed against opponents.
Not content with just taking down Dragonite, the Maushold also KOd an Alolan Ninetales in the final, helping Morales get that essential win.
Pokemon fans celebrated the win for Morales and Maushold saying, “Don’t mess with the Haus of Maus” and “The OHKO graphic is so shady.”
For anyone watching the video and wondering why Population Bomb hit 10 times, as the normal limit is five, one Pokemon player explains that the move “has a lower base power, and less of a chance of actually getting up that high.
But Morales equipped this Maushold with a wide lens which improves accuracy, “making a 10-hit closer to ~90%.”
One person tweeted, “Congrats to Maushold Family of 3 for winning Baltimore Regionals in VGC. (Only Child representation is important).” Meanwhile, one Pokemon player shared, “maushold fans rise up” while another added, “POP BOMB MAUSHOLD IS A REGIONAL CHAMPION!!!!”
Even the main Pokemon account on X got in on the fun, simply tweeting the word “Family” along with a picture of Family of Three form Maushold, alluding to Morales’ win.
If you want to bag yourself some powerful Pokemon – perhaps to take to the next regionals, be sure to check out our guides to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Mass Outbreaks, how to find and catch Pecharunt, and all Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Mystery Gift codes.