Pokemon Go Kyogre Raid Guide: Weaknesses & best counters

Raissa Jerez
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Hoenn’s mighty Legendary, Kyogre, is back in Pokemon Go‘s 5-Star Raids for a limited time, so here are its weaknesses and best counters to take it down fast.

Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire’s Legendary mascots – Kyogre and Groudon – are returning as Raid bosses this month. As two of the most powerful Pokemon in the game, especially when in their Primal forms, you need to get them on your team as soon as possible.

The Legendary whale offers up a serious challenge but can be taken down fairly easily with the right counters, so here’s all you need to know before facing the best Water-type Pokemon in Niantic’s game.

Kyogre weaknesses in Pokemon Go

As a pure Water-type Pokemon, the Legendary Kyogre is only weak to Electric and Grass-type moves, so make sure your team’s type focuses on those two choices.

Instead, the mighty whale is resistant to Fire, Ice, Steel, and Water, so better to avoid using any of those types of Pokemon or attacks, as they won’t deal too much damage.

Best counters for Kyogre

These are some of the best counters and movesets to defeat Kyogre in Pokemon Go:

Mega SceptileMega SceptileBullet Seed & Frenzy Plant
Mega Venusaurvenusaur-megaVine Whip & Frenzy Plant
Mega ManectricMega ManectricThunder Fang & Wild Charge
XurkitreexurkitreeSpark & Power Whip
RaikouraikouThunder Shock & Wild Charge
Shadow MagnezonemagnezoneSpark & Wild Charge
Shadow ElectivireElectivireThunder Shock & Wild Charge
LuxrayluxraySpark & Wild Charge
TangrowthVine Whip & Power Whip
MeowscaradameowscaradaLeafage & Grass Knot

The table includes a mix of Megas, Legendaries, Shadows, and more common Pokemon, so there should be something for trainers of all levels. Just keep in mind that even though super effective, they must be properly leveled up to be able to fight Kyogre.

If you don’t have any of the counters above, focus on your strongest Electric and Grass-type Pokemon with similar movesets.

How to get Kyogre in Pokemon Go

As a 5-Star Raid boss, you’ll have to defeat Kyogre first in order to get the chance to catch it. We recommend that you team up with at least six other trainers and use a team of powerful counters to target its weaknesses.

Once you defeat Kyogre, you’ll be given a limited amount of Premier Balls to capture it. The number will depend on your performance during the battle. You can always amp up your odds of capturing the Legendary beast by using Golden Razz Berries and Silver Pinap Berries, as well as doing curve Excellent Curveball throws.

Players looking to catch Kyogre will have until September 14, 2024, when it will be replaced by Groudon. Also, the mighty whale will be featured in two Raid Hours, one on September 4, 2024, and the other on September 11, 2024.

Can Kyogre be Shiny?

Yes, Kyogre can be Shiny in Pokemon Go. The players who take on this mighty beast will recognize Shiny Kyogre immediately due to its bright magenta body.

shiny kyogre pokemon go dexerto

However, you should keep in mind that Shiny odds in Pokemon Go are very low, mostly when Legendaries are involved, so no encounter is guaranteed.

That’s everything you need to know about the best Kyogre counters and weaknesses in Pokemon Go. You can also check out our guides on All the Ultra Beasts available in the game, as well as the Best Mega Evolutions, and keep up with this season’s events with our Max Out season hub.

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