Can you catch a Shiny Tapu Bulu in Pokemon Go?

The Legendary guardian deity Tapu Bulu has returned to 5-Star Raids in Pokemon Go, but can you catch a Shiny one? Let’s find out.
Fans of the Alola region’s guardian deities are in luck, as you can now battle and catch the Grass/Fairy-type creature Tapu Bulu in Pokemon Go’s 5-Star Raid Battles and add it to your Legendary Pokemon collection.
The only thing better than a Legendary is a Shiny Legendary, but it’s important to know whether or not it’s available before you spend all your time and resources Shiny hunting – or it could end up being a waste.
Below, you’ll find all the information you need on Shiny Tapu Bulu’s availability in Pokemon Go.

Can Tapu Bulu be Shiny in Pokemon Go?
The good news is that Shiny Tapu Bulu is now available to encounter in Pokemon Go.
This rare variant was officially released on April 17, 2023, when Tapu Bulu finally returned to 5-Star Raids, so you could be one of the first trainers to catch one (if you’re lucky enough to find one, that is).
As with all Shiny Pokemon, the likelihood of encountering a Shiny Tapu Bulu is quite slim. It’s estimated that you have around a 5% chance of finding one, so you’re going to need a lot of Raid Passes!
If you’re determined to get a Shiny Tapu Bulu, we’ve got a complete Raid guide with details of its weaknesses, the best counters to use if you want to defeat it, and some tips on how to catch it.
Tapu Bulu will be appearing in 5-Star Raid Battles from April 17 to May 2, 2023. You can find the full Raid schedule here and see a complete list of Legendaries in Pokemon Go right here.
That’s everything you need to know about Shiny Tapu Bulu. While you’re here, check out some of our other Pokemon Go guides below:
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