Best moveset for Bewear in Pokemon Go & is it any good?

Bewear is one of the most expensive evolutions in Pokemon Go, so you might be wondering what its best moveset is and whether it’s any good for PvP Battles. Let’s find out!
The adorable Normal/Fighting-type Stufful first appeared in Pokemon Sun & Moon’s Alola region on Nintendo 3DS, before making its Pokemon Go debut as the April 2022 Community Day’s headliner.
Aside from being one of the cutest Pokemon available in the game, it’s also one of the most expensive evolutions, requiring a whopping 400 Candy before you can evolve it into the equally-cuddly Bewear.
Whether you’ve just evolved a Bewear or you’re wondering whether it’s worth spending the time and resources to do so, here’s details on Bewear’s best moveset and whether it’s any good in PvP Battles.
- Best moveset for Bewear in Pokemon Go
- All moves that Bewear can learn in Pokemon Go
- Is Bewear any good in Pokemon Go?
Best moveset for Bewear in Pokemon Go
One of the best movesets to teach Bewear in Pokemon Go is Shadow Claw as a Fast Move combined with Superpower and Stomp as Charged Moves.
While it sadly doesn’t benefit from STAB damage, Shadow Claw is the only viable Fast Move for Bewear to learn, as both Tackle and Low Kick are notoriously bad moves that should be avoided at all costs.
Superpower is Bewear’s best Charged Move, even with the self-debuff, so make sure you have it. The Community Day-exclusive attack Drain Punch isn’t very good, so you’re better off with Stomp as a second option for some neutral coverage.
All moves Bewear can learn in Pokemon Go
Bewear can learn a total of three Fast Moves and four Charged Moves in Pokemon Go, which we’ve listed below:
Bewear Fast Moves
- Low Kick (Fighting)
- Shadow Claw (Ghost)
- Tackle (Normal)
Bewear Charged Moves
- Drain Punch (Fighting) – Elite Move
- Payback (Dark)
- Stomp (Normal)
- Superpower (Fighting)
Is Bewear any good in Pokemon Go?
Bewear didn’t make much of an impact on the Pokemon Go Battle League meta when it made its debut back in April 2022, and that hasn’t changed in the months since.
It’s certainly not a terrible Pokemon, as it does have some viability in the Great League and Ultra League, but there are so many better options that it’s just not worth the time and resources it will take to evolve a Bewear, level it up, and then teach it the optimal moveset.
A quick look at PvPoke shows us that Bewear currently ranks 183rd in the Great League. You’d be much better off focusing on a Pokemon like Medicham or Machamp if you’re going down the Fighting-type route, or something like Vigoroth for the Normal-type route.
Over in the Ultra League, Bewear currently ranks 155th. It does have some viability here, with potential wins against Giratina, Trevenant, and Galaria Stunfisk when running Payback instead of Stomp. But again, there are just plenty of better options for you to focus on instead.
A couple of things hold Bewear back from becoming a standout Pokemon: A low Defense stat and a lack of good attacks – especially when its only viable Fast Move, Shadow Claw, doesn’t benefit from STAB. For now, at least, its a simple Pokedex filler.
That’s everything you need to know about Bewear and its best moveset! Check out some of our other Pokemon Go guides below:
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