Watch Twitch Streamer Rudeism Play Overwatch Using a Baguette and a Pizza
Twitch streamer Rudeism is known for making custom novelty controllers for the games he plays, with Overwatch being a particular favorite.
Rudeism’s projects aren’t just variations on standard controllers, however. Often incorporating motion controls to imitate the actions performed by the relevant character, his previous creations include a boxing glove for Doomfist, a glove and air cannon for Lúcio, and a rocking horse to control Orisa.
His latest might top them all, however, as Rudeism’s most recent creation is for Brigitte – using a baguette for her flail, and a pizza as a shield.
The setup uses a combination of motion and physical controls, allowing Rudeism to fully control Brigitte, with her abilities activated by imitating the movement that she performs in-game. A flick of the baguette performs her Whip Shot, while raising the pizza shield produces the same in-game and a push forward executes her Shield Bash.
This isn’t the first time that Rudeism has incorporated a baguette into a controller, having previously created a Widowmaker controller using one as a makeshift rifle.
Unfortunately, the main down-side to using food items as motion controllers is their frailty, as after some time spent swinging them about the baguette was prone to splitting in two and the pizza began to fall away. Nevertheless, the combo was a brilliant addition to Rudeism’s epic collection of custom controllers.