This awesome Overwatch tactic is great for D.Va mains

Bill Cooney

Body Blocking is can be an underutilized technique in Overwatch, but Philadelphia Fusion pro Gael ‘Poko’ Gouzerch gave viewers on Twitch an almost perfect example of the technique with D.Va.

Body blocking is all about denying the enemy team movement and space using the body of a hero, in this case Poko and his team were defending the first point of Temple of Anubis.

As the match is about to begin, Poko tells his teammates the plan and positions himself right inside the doorway on the attackers left of the choke.

“Ok guys, I’m going to body block them at the door, and they’re going to get really confused,” Poko tells his team just as the round begins.

Just as he predicted, the enemy team heads right towards Poko’s D.Va, but somehow doesn’t even see him in their way.

He stops the enemy Reinhardt and Zarya right at the door and after a few picks, it’s clear the enemy push isn’t going anywhere.

Poko wasn’t even close to being de-meched either, since the enemy tanks were so focused on his teammates shooting at them from the high ground.

The clip is a really great example of how to body block with big heroes like D.Va, especially when you don’t even get noticed.

Poko and the rest of the Philadelphia Fusion will finally be back in action when the Overwatch League’s second season starts on February 14.