Overwatch artists creates Monocle Moira skin concept

Overwatch fans love coming up with their own skin designs for their favorite heroes, and one creative player finally gave Moira a monocle.
Moira is the closest thing to a moustache twirling villain about to tie a damsel in distress to some railroad tracks as an oncoming train approaches that Overwatch has, so a monocle definitely fits with her character.
Overwatch fans dotPaperCrowndot and Heymacrd decided to finally give Moira the accessory she’s needed forever – a dignified and sophisticated monocle, of course.

“How uncivilized”
In their concept skin, dotPaperCrowndot replaced the metallic augment over Moira’s left eye with a monocle, and it makes it look like the hero is ready for a high society function alongside Socialite Ashe and B.O.B.
But the eyewear is only the beginning of this skin concept, which, based on the responses on Reddit, would be a very popular concept among players.
She’s got a purple jewel over an ascot on her shirt, and what looks like a black greatcoat over her shoulders instead of her usual cape, which just helps to complete the supervillain look of this skin.
This skin would have been the perfect addition to Overwatch’s new Anniversary skins or even for the Archive event, provided it were real.

When will we get more new Overwatch skins?
The next Overwatch event following Anniversary is the Summer Games event, which according to Overwatch Director Jeff Kaplan, will happen sometime in August.
Along with the new event, Hero 31 will also come out sometime this summer as well, but Kaplan didn’t get any more specific than that.
As far as the Summer games go, it’s a fair bet to say Baptiste, Ashe and Hammond, who have all been released in the last year, will be getting new skins, but whether Moira will or not remains to be seen.