Overwatch 2 streamer struggles to hit Masters on Mercy after over 3000 games

Joshua Chu
mercy in overwatch 2

One Overwatch 2 streamer hit a major milestone during an unranked-to-GM Mercy only challenge, finally hitting Masters after 3,000+ games.

Mercy is not exactly the most impactful character in Overwatch 2. While she has consistent healing and a game-changing ability to resurrect players, she’s almost entirely passive and ultimately relies on the strength of her teammates to win games. This can make Mercy one of the more difficult characters to climb on as she does not have much playmaking potential of her own.

That’s why one Overwatch 2 streamer, Moreweth, is stuck doing a self-imposed challenge after 3,000+ games; an unranked-to-GM challenge where he can only play Mercy. And after 182 days, Moreweth may finally be reaching the end of his journey soon, as he finally managed to hit Masters during his last stream.

A challenging unranked-to-GM journey in Overwatch 2

While unranked-to-GM challenges aren’t exactly new to Mercy, as there are quite a few successful high-ranked Mercy-only accounts, the real story here is the pure determination it takes to play 3,000 games of Mercy only for over six months.

To be exact, after his last stream on December 29, 2024, Moreweth has played a total of 3,142 games, with 1,553 wins and 1,589 losses, which is about a 49% win-rate.

“Playing Mercy in diamond is like babysitting a kid that is not well educated by their own parents,” said Moreweth in a tweet on August 23. “You try to educate them during that afternoon but its completely useless.”

Moreweth previously stated that Mercy is “the hardest support to climb with since it’s super hard to [directly] impact the enemy.” Prior to this challenge, Moreweth was a prominent Wrecking Ball player who frequently climbed to Grandmaster.

Moreweth has previously hit Masters during this challenge before, unfortunately dropping back to Diamond a couple times. For his sake, hopefully, Moreweth can ride this wave of success and hit Grandmaster once and for all.

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