Overwatch 2 enemy team roasts troll picking on their own teammate in chat

Brianna Reeves
overwatch 2 november 12 patch kiriko buffs

An Overwatch 2 troll slamming their team’s healer got owned in the game chat by members of the opposing crew who shouted the healer’s praises.

Those who frequent multiplayer game lobbies know that acts of trolling don’t always come from the enemy’s side.

Teammates often engage in similar behaviors, trash-talking and sowing dissent amid their own ranks.

In cases like this, players usually fend for themselves or hope other crew members will come to their rescue. No one expects users on the opposing side to defend their honor, though.

Overwatch 2 player defended by enemy against troll comments

After losing an Overwatch 2 match, one user – henceforth referred to as the troll – complained about their team’s healer in the game chat.

The healer in question, who played as Kiriko, shared a screenshot of the troll’s exchange with enemy players on Reddit. It’s an interesting sight to behold.

According to the troll, the winning team had a much better healer in their ranks. The winners disagreed, instead noting the Kiriko player kept the troll “alive all the time.”

Another member on the opposing side said, “shame on you, your Kiriko is good.” One more person chimed in to say, “you don’t deserve her.”

This gesture constitutes another example of the Overwatch community’s more wholesome qualities. Recently, someone shared a story on Reddit about a stranger in Overwatch 2 cheering them up after a bad day.

While the community at large is often labeled as woefully toxic, there are those who go above and beyond to prove otherwise.

Overwatch 2 is out now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.