Overwatch 2 December 16 update nerfs Hazard just one week after launch

Overwatch 2’s December 16 update just nerfed the brand-new Tank hero Hazard a mere seven days after his debut. Sojourn also got hit with some nerfs in the full patch notes.
Just one week removed from the launch of Season 14, and with it, the arrival of Hazard, Blizzard has already rolled out some new adjustments.
The Scottish Tank has been wreaking havoc for his first few days, thanks to a powerful kit and the early fanfare as everyone looks to get familiar with the game’s 42nd hero.
However, just seven days since his proper debut in-game, Hazard has already been slapped with an early nerf. The character’s Ultimate will now take slightly longer to earn, meaning you won’t be pouring down destruction quite as quickly in a given match.
Alongside Hazard’s lone tweak, Sojourn was also hit with three key changes we’ve outlined below. These adjustments look to nerf the Damage hero’s overall capabilities, reducing her potential on the map.

Overwatch 2 December 16 update patch notes
Hero Balance Updates
- Downpour: Ultimate cost increased 13%
- Railgun: Primary fire shots-per-second reduced from 16 to 15.
- Disruptor Shot: No longer generates energy.
- Overclock: Energy charge rate reduced from 120 to 100 per second.