Is Numbani getting a rework? Overwatch 2 players baffled by missing map

Ryan Lemay

A fan-favorite Overwatch map disappeared from Overwatch 2’s rotation and private matches. Without any clear answers, players are confused about what happened.

Bugs and server issues marred Overwatch 2’s first week. Blizzard disabled Bastion and Torbjorn due to game-breaking bugs; a bug forced mid-game team swaps, and a glitch caused players to buy unwanted skins.

Blizzard created a forum page detailing all of the game’s known bugs and providing status updates. The developers said, “we want to keep you updated on a list of known issues affecting the game.”

Overwatch 2’s latest issue mysteriously removed Numbani from the map rotation and private matches. Buried on Blizzard’s Forum page, players discovered several maps are temporarily disabled for bug fixes.

Numbani joined Overwatch’s map pool in 2015

What happened to Numbani?

Reddit SeeOurTea user pointed out, “Numbani isn’t just out of rotation; it’s not even in the game.”

Some players assumed the map might be receiving a rework. However, Blizzard confirmed, “Numbani, Necropolis, Illios CTF, and Temple of Anubis are temporarily disabled while we work through bugs related to these maps.”

Overwatch 2 adds dynamic weather to maps. Necropolis received a nighttime version, and sandstorms can affect matches. On Numbani, there is a sunset, daytime, and nighttime version.

Players put two and two together and theorized the maps were disabled because of weather-related bugs.

One user said, “Where is this dynamic lighting we were promised? Maps are supposed to have three different times of the day. Yet all we’ve gotten is lighting swaps.”

A second player mockingly added, “Blizzard is a small indie game developer; cut them some slack.”

Some players were lucky enough to test the new weather mechanics before the maps were disabled.

“I got sandstorm Necropolis in team deathwatch yesterday! It was awesome.”

We will provide an update when the maps are added back into the regular rotation.