Monster Hunter Now players demand Niantic keep game-changing event feature
Niantic/CapcomMonster Hunter Now players want Niantic to keep a game-changing event mechanic that’s making farming weapons and armor more enjoyable.
To celebrate the festive season, Niantic has boosted the rate of monster spawns in the Monster Hunter Now Holiday event. The increased spawn rates currently enable players to farm up extra materials, especially for more elusive creatures.
This has given Hunters more opportunities to take down event-exclusive monsters like Pink Rathian and Black Diablos. However, this event feature is only available for a limited time but the game’s community wants the developers to keep it as a permanent feature.
Monster Hunter Now players want boosted spawn rates to be permanent
“While these are event exclusive, I really hope they keep one or two things permanently, specifically the spawn density or respawning more frequently,” said one player. “It makes the game much more enjoyable and hunting outside spawn density increase is definitely noticeable.”
Other Hunters also noted how much of an improvement the increased event spawns were, with many noting that it significantly increased their enjoyment. “I’ve been enjoying all of the events recently but the 1-6 window where monsters respawn every hour has been absolutely incredible,” replied another player. “I’ve been out playing the game daily for those short respawn windows.”
Not only do the increased respawns help Hunters farm the materials they need, but they also provide rural hunters with more progression. After all, the monster density can be rather low in areas outside of towns and cities.
“Honestly the boosted respawn rates should be default or at least lowered to two hours,” said another Hunter. “Otherwise I agree, the event is long enough to take off the pressure, boosted respawn rates encourage you to play more.”
Whether Niantic will change the respawn times of monsters in the future or only keep them for subsequent events, remains to be seen, but for now, players have until January 8, 2024, to enjoy them.