How to complete a one-handed spectacular catch in Madden 25

Madden 25 saw the introduction of the one-handed spectacular catch, which makes it possible to attempt a one-handed reception with style.
There are four types of catches in Madden 25: aggressive, run-after-the-catch, possession, and spectacular. Aggressive works best for contested passes that require receivers to get up and reach for a ball. If there’s open space behind, the run-after-the-catch option makes it easier for the receiver to grab the ball in stride and break away for a huge play.
And if for plays over the middle of the field, the possession catch option allows the receiver to drop down and quickly complete the play without getting walloped by a linebacker or incoming secondary defender.
Spectacular catch is a new option introduced in this title, and here’s a look at how to make one in Madden 25.

How to make a One-handed spectacular catch
To complete a spectacular catch, players must press L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox while controlling the receiver and attempting to complete a catch.
Before attempting a one-handed catch, players should fully understand the risk involved. There’s a bonus of an extended catch radius while also risking a higher drop chance, especially when attempting it with a lower-rated player.
We recommend only using spectacular catch if the ball is slightly out of reach or if you are open and want to flex on an opponent. When the game is on the line and a first down is needed, other catch types are much safer.
EA also improved the ability to branch from one catch type to another with an additional button press. For example, players can go from a spectacular catch to a possession catch by switching the input mid-catch.
Finally, to ensure realistic results with every play, there are 700 new catching animations, including low-height options, back-shoulder catches, and back-pylon fades in the game.
That’s all you need to know about spectacular one-handed catches in Madden 25. For even more content on the game, check out our guides for how to throw a touch pass, the Superstar Mode combine interview answers, how to import a draft class to franchise mode, and the game’s current server status.