How to make money fast in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

Knowing the best ways to make money fast in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom can save you a lot of time. After all, you’ll need a small fortune of rupees to purchase accessories, make smoothies, and unlock outfits.
Farming rupees in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom can take a lot of time in the early game, especially when you don’t have access to the best money-making gear. While the game’s Echoes won’t cost anything to unlock, there are times when you’ll need to cough up some extra cash.
The main culprit is in Echoes of Wisdom’s minigames. These reward you with everything from heart containers to outfits, but you’ll need to have the funds to play them. Fortunately, you can make lots of easy money by using these five methods.
Easy rupee methods
1. Unlock the Goldfinch automaton

The Goldfinch automaton is the best way to make money in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. This clockwork bird knocks rupees out of enemies it defeats, and can even help you pick them up.
An average enemy will drop around 50 rupees each, which can quickly lead to a small fortune when you’re farming enemies in Hyrule Field. We recommend pairing the Goldfinch with the Silver Brooch to increase the rupee drop rate from breaking objects and fallen monsters.
It’s important to note, that you’ll need to unlock the Goldfinch by heading over to Dampe’s Studio after advancing the story. You can find all the details here in our handy automaton guide.
2. Sell Golden Eggs

Golden Eggs are the most valuable item in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. These rare eggs sell for 150 rupees each, which makes them a lucrative choice if you happen to have a healthy stock of them.
You can find Golden Eggs hidden in chests scattered around Hyrule and from side quest rewards. However, before you go selling every Golden Egg you have, you’ll want to use some of them to make Smoothies.
When a Golden Egg is combined with another ingredient like a Tough Mango, you’ll receive a Golden Tough Smoothie. This particular recipe will heal 15 hearts and provide damage reduction for five minutes. So, you may want to keep a few Golden Eggs for the game’s dungeon bosses.
3. Make & sell Smoothies

Selling Smoothies is also a great way to make some quick cash. This is especially true if you make Mixed Tough Smoothies, which make use of the game’s Tough Mangos. These fruits are acquired from the Tough Mango Plant in the Oasis of Gerudo Desert.
You’ll need to complete the Tough Mango minigame to acquire these hearty fruits, but once you have a bounty of them, you’ll be able to mix them into delicious Smoothies. Each Tough Mango smoothy will sell for 50 rupees, so be sure to sell them at the Smoothie Shops dotted around Hyrule.
4. Unlock the Silver Brooch
As we mentioned earlier, the Silver Brooch makes rupees appear more often when breaking objects and slaying monsters. The Silver Brooch is located in in chest west of the River Zora Village. You’ll need to use a bomb to blow up the wall to reveal the chest.
Once you have the Silver Brooch, simply equip it, break every object, and kill every monster that happens to cross your path. While you won’t get as much money as the Goldfinch method, you will have enough funds to purchase those
5. Cut grass
Sometimes when you’re short on rupees you need to do yard work. Simply use Zelda’s Sword form or any Echo that can cut grass, (we used the Spiked Roller), and begin slicing and dicing that green stuff.
There’s a particularly great section of long grass just northwest of Faron Wetlands, so be sure to utilize this in the early game.
Now that you know how to make money fast in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, you’ll be able to repair your Automatons and unlock outfits.