Tyler1 claims LoL’s “crazy” 2025 changes have restored his faith in devs

Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp claimed during a co-stream of the LCS playoffs that he is excited for the new “crazy” changes coming to League of Legends in 2025.
Riot Games has been trying to keep player expectations in check for next season after one of its developers said early this year that the game will change “forever” in 2025. The game’s studio head Andrei van Roon tried to walk back the statement in August.
“I think ‘Change League forever’ is a bit of an oversell though,” Roon said on Reddit.
However, Tyler1 has reignited the hype for 2025. The League streamer revealed during a co-stream of the LCS that he talked with the Riot development team and is excited about the next year of the live-service MOBA.
“Things are gonna get crazy… I’ve talked to Riot a lot throughout the years in person. This is the first was the first group of guys I’ve talked to that I’ve truly felt like passion from,” he said.
The streamer explained that he had thought for many years that the Riot League development team was run by “old heads,” but now he knows that new blood has been injected into the company. He believes they’re passionate about changing things.
He claimed the people he talked to were swearing and sweating while talking about the upcoming changes in a way he hadn’t seen or heard in prior conversations with the developers.
“They’ve got new talent that sees the game differently and wants to expand it just outside of what we know,” Tyler1 said.
It’s not yet clear if that means speculated changes like a new client update, major systems updates, or the implementation of voice chat will be part of the teased changes. Tyler1 did not give away any specific details during the stream, as he said he was under NDA.
Riot is already promising overarching changes to almost every item in the game in patch 14.9, so the developer has already started on some of the major innovations coming in 2025.
However, this ringing endorsement from the streamer speaks volumes for what players should expect in 2025, as Tyler1 has a reputation for being critical of many changes Riot has made to League over the years.