Riot confirms new jungler in Champion Roadmap for League Season 11

Riot Games has finally revealed its latest Champion Roadmap for League of Legends, sharing teasers of all the upcoming characters, including a “romantic” new jungler coming in Season 11.
With Yone, Lillia, Sett, and now Samira joining the League of Legends roster in 2020, the Riot devs are already looking forward to the next batch of champions they plan on adding in the coming season.
Riot Games has already revealed major changes coming in Season 11, with a massive item overhaul expected to arrive in the preseason, and they have now revealed teasers for each of the champions expected to arrive before and during the next season.

League Season 11 Champion Roadmap
In Riot’s blog post on September 24, League of Legends dev Reav3 explained that, after Yone’s addition to the game, they were keen on introducing more characters as champions that may have already appeared or been mentioned in the lore of Runeterra.
Reav3 followed up hinting that one of the champions to be introduced would see yet another familiar character, explaining that they are “going to bring another character players have been longing for to the Rift next year.”
For this champion roadmap, Riot revealed that they still had a mid-lane Mage, who is expected to be confirmed as the mysterious character Seraphine, and a new Support champ, to add in 2020.

New LoL Support champion
The new support character has been described as a “heavily-armored runaway criminal,” in the champion roadmap, leaving any enemies and their gear “twisted and shattered.”
While this new champion’s playstyle is currently unknown, Riot hinted that they may have some mobile abilities in their kit, adding that the “criminal’s been known to mount a quick retreat when cornered,” although we will have to wait to see how that will translate in-game.
This fugitive is currently scheduled to be final champion released in 2020, although champion release dates are always subject to change.

New League of Legends Jungler teased for Season 11
Following the addition of Lillia in the Spirit Blossom event, it looks like Riot has yet another jungle skirmisher in the works, and they are expected to be the first champion released in early 2021.
“You may just find yourself falling for our romantic new jungle skirmisher, who will be twisting hearts and possessing minds early next year.” Riot Games teased, before sharing an image of a ring that ties in with the new champ.

League of Legends fans will likely have to wait for more information about the 2021 Jungler but Riot seems to have plenty of champions lined up to keep fans entertained until then.
Dr. Mundo VGU Preview
After Riot announced that Mundo would be the next champion to receive a VGU, following Fiddlesticks’ and Volibear’s rework, they have now provided an update on the Madman of Zaun.
The dev team shared that they are “going to keep Mundo’s gameplay pretty similar” overall but they plan on making him a difficult champion to lock down, by adding some form of CC immunity to his kit.
Riot also shared some concept art for the old champion’s rework, revealing a modern take on Mundo and giving fans a glimpse of what to expect from the VGU.
It is worth noting that as with many of these teasers, the Riot devs can still make changes before the champions are finally set live in-game.