Doublelift calls everyone trash in hilarious LCS announcement video

League of Legends teams.
Shortly after returning from a historic Mid-Season Invitational event for North American League of Legends, which saw Team Liquid take down World Champions, Invictus Gaming, Doublelift still had time to take shots at other teams in an announcement video.
With the LCS Summer Split fast approaching, the LoL esports team brought in Team Liquid’s ADC, Doublelift to help promote the return of League of Legends action with the first matches of the split kicking off on June 1.
Doublelift and Team Liquid managed to defeat the reigning world champions, Invictus Gaming at MSI 2019.
The video, titled: “PSA:Take Out Your Trash” features Doublelift jokingly reminding fans who come to the LCS venue to dispose off their trash after attending the regular season games, saying, “As an environmentalist, there’s nothing that I hate more than when people don’t take out their trash properly.”
Doublelift then looks around to see scattered team jerseys of his rival teams in the LCS, such as Cloud 9 and Golden Guardians, on the desk, before quickly disposing of them in the trash can.
He then pauses at the TeamSoloMid jersey for a while before saying, “Damn…There’s trash all over the place” throwing shots at his former organization after Team Liquid’s incredible reverse sweep over TSM during the LCS Spring Split Playoff Finals.
After the “Public Service Announcement,” the video jokingly cuts to Doublelift finding a Team Liquid jersey amongst the “trash” with the other jerseys to his surprise, only saying “wait” and showing that the video was all in good fun.
The LCS summer split returns on June 1, with TSM looking to exact revenge on Doublelift and Team Liquid in one of the first games of the day.
Doublelift has always been known for sharing his honest opinions on rival teams and this latest LCS public service announcement video was likely based on one of his most iconic lines, “Everyone is Trash.”