Hogwarts Legacy subreddit bans users from discussing J. K. Rowling ahead of release

Josh Tyler
Hogwarts Legacy Trailer

With Hogwarts Legacy set to release soon, a subreddit dedicated to the game has prevented users from discussing the author behind the Wizarding World, J.K. Rowling.

Many Potterheads are looking forward to returning to Hogwarts when the newest Harry Potter game drops on February 7, 2023. However, other gamers have called for a boycott on Hogwarts Legacy because of the original series’ controversial author, J.K. Rowling.

Rowling has been accused of making transphobic comments on multiple occasions in the past, as well as using transphobic, antisemitic, and racist tropes within the Harry Potter series as well as her other works.

As a result, many players have distanced themselves from Hogwarts Legacy because of its connection to Rowling and her works. As the release date approaches, the discourse between enthusiastic Harry Potter fans and players disturbed by Rowling’s alleged transphobia has only heightened.

Hogwarts Legacy subreddits bans discussion of Rowling

On the subreddit for Hogwarts Legacy, moderators posted a thread titled “JKR Topic Embargo Reinstated.”

The mods explained that the reasons for the embargo included threads about the author devolving into anti-LGBTQIA+ slurs and threats, trolls attempting to divide the subreddit, and taking the conversations away from the topic of the actual game.

This is actually a reinstitution of an embargo that the subreddit had previously employed and attempted to ease off on with the game approaching. Other subreddits have similar embargos on discussing J.K. Rowling in place.

The thread is locked, meaning that fans of the game cannot express their thoughts on this embargo. However the mods have made it clear that they are acting to protect the “dignity, respect, and inclusion” of LGBTQIA+ individuals and have left up a megathread for discussions of a Hogwarts Legacy boycott.

The effectiveness of the boycott, however, is in doubt as the game is already a top-selling game on Steam.