Mr Beast’s GTA 5 Chaos mod challenge ends in embarrassment

Mr Beast’s brand new GTA V challenge over on his gaming channel ended with an embarrassing punishment for the loser, after they installed the chaos mod and competed to see who could make the most money in the allotted time.
Jimmy “Mr Beast” Donaldson is well known on YouTube for his philanthropic content, where he gives out enormous prizes to his friends and fans for participating in increasingly bizarre contests.
Most recently he issued a challenge to a handful of small YouTubers to keep hold of his diamond play button for as long as they could manage, with the promise to send over droves of subscribers to their channel. The winner, Zealous, went from just under 50,000 subscribers to over 1.5 million thanks to the challenge.

But to switch things up, instead of his friends fighting for a grand cash prize or a whole island, this time around they were fighting to avoid a humiliating punishment; standing on the side of the road in a hotdog costume with a suggestive sign.
Jimmy had installed a GTA V Chaos mod onto all of their computers. Each time the blue bar at the top of the screen finished loading, a random and brilliantly chaotic event would occur and make all the player’s lives a lot harder. The person with the least amount of money once the 30 minutes is up, would be declared the loser.
Some of the crazy chaotic events include all civilians getting out of their cars and chasing after one player all at once, a dizzying strobe effect, and a minimum speed that causes the car the blow up if the car doesn’t meet it.
At one point Jimmy was randomly dropped a quarter of a million dollars, placing him firmly above the others in the competition. He was even given the ability to turn everything he touched into gold.
On the flip side, Chandler ended up with “the worst luck,” and was forced to walk in slow motion, got shot by an alien, and started beating people up uncontrollably.

Unsurprisingly, it was Chandler who ended up losing with a grand total of $194, so he put on the embarrassing hotdog costume and off they went to a random road, where he was made to stand there for ten minutes holding a sign that said “I suck hotdogs.”
While the clip was sped up for the viewers, it was a long ten minutes for Chandler who tried to keep his spirits up despite the droves of cars going by and watching.