How to get El Strickler rifle in GTA Online Agents of Sabotage update

GTA Online’s Agents of Sabotage update is bringing a new rifle, the El Strickler Rifle, to the game. Here’s how you can get your hands on it.
Even though the gaming world is eagerly awaiting GTA 6, Rockstar Games has kept on pumping out updates for GTA Online. In the last few months, we’ve had a new heist in the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid, there’s been a new business with Bottom Dollar Bounties, and now we’ve got the Agents of Sabotage update.
The newest update not only brings a new business to the game – the Garment Factory, which has a new set of robberies to do and a massive garage – but there are a host of new vehicles too.
That isn’t all, however. The Agents of Sabotage update is bringing a new weapon to GTA Online for the first time in a while – the El Strickler Rifle.
Where to find El Strickler Rifle in GTA Online
If you didn’t follow the announcement from Rockstar before the update went live, you would have missed that the new rifle is being added.
Like six of the new vehicles, the El Strickler Rifle is a day-one addition. Yet, it isn’t available to everyone just yet.
To get your hands on it now, you have to be a GTA+ member. If you are, then simply head to the Gun Van at some point before December 15 and you can grab it for free.
The new rifle comes with five preset upgrades. These are the extended clip, scope, blue tracer rounds, and blue flashlight. There is also the gold-plated camo, which, is a pretty nice extra to get.
If you aren’t a GTA+ member, you’ll have to wait until 2025 to get your hands on the new gun. Rockstar will be making it available at some point then.
It will, likely, be a Gun Van exclusive for a little while, just like the Railgun and Battle Rifle.