Genshin Impact Version 3.1 patch notes: Nilou & Cyno release, new Sumeru desert area, enemies

James Busby
Genshin Impact Sumeru characters

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 is now live: the update includes three new Sumeru characters in Candace, Nilou, and Cyno, the new desert area, as well as new enemies. Here’s everything you need to know, including the patch notes.

It’s time to move into the deserts of Sumeru with Genshin Impact Version 3.1 going live. After pushing through the lust rainforests, players will get to see a different side of the Dendro nation after September 28.

Three new characters will be available to travelers exploring the new areas in Cyno, Nilou, and Candace — all hailing from the western side of Sumeru. On top of that, there will be an abundance of new enemies to fight and domains to clear.

Here’s what you need to know about Genshin Impact Version 3.1.

candace standing behind shield in genshin impact


Genshin Impact Version 3.1 release date

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 is now live as of September 28, 2022.

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 special program & trailers

The special program for Genshin Impact’s new version 3.1 update premiered on the official Twitch channel on September 16, 2022. As always, the special program featured details about new game content and developments. There were also redemption codes and other goodies available for Travelers to claim.

You can watch the replay of the special program, and the trailers for Genshin Impact Version 3.1, below.

What’s new in Genshin Impact Version 3.1?

Three new characters: Cyno, Nilou, Candace

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 is bringing three new characters into the fray: Cyno, Nilou, and Candace. All of them hail from the new desert regions of Sumeru, boasting a mix of elements and weapon types to play around with.

Cyno is a five-star Electro Polearm who plays very similarly to Raiden Shogun. While he does have a dash, he’s all about buffing himself up and then smashing that Elemental Burst for a mega power-up that lasts up to 18 seconds.

Nilou is the second five-star, this time a Hydro Sword, who introduces a new Bloom mechanic. Combining amazingly with Dendro by instantly proccing the reaction between the two elements, the dancer can pirouette around the battlefield slicing and dicing enemies, before dropping a big lotus as part of her Elemental Burst.

Finally, Candace is a four-star Hydro Polearm — but you might first notice her shield. She uses said shield to parry attacks, while her Elemental Skill is great for solo travelers as it imbues ally attacks with Hydro and also unleashes a ripple if you swap between characters.

An official image of Nilou in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 banners

HoYoverse has officially revealed the Genshin Impact Version 3.1 banners, with Cyno, Candace, and Venti appearing in Phase 1, while Nilou and Albedo will appear later in Phase 2. 

New Sumeru desert area added

Players got the chance to dip their toes into Sumeru and its lush forests for the first time in Version 3.0. Now we’ll get to see another side of the nation with its harsh deserts in Version 3.1 with the Hypostyle Desert, Land of Lower Setekh, and Land of Upper Setekh.

It’s a fairly big area on the western side of the nation with ruins to explore and a wide expanse of… orange nothingness. There are plenty of new foes lurking around though, so watch out.

Genshin impact sumeru desert

New enemies lurking in Sumeru

Speaking of said enemies, there’s new Primal Constructs and Eremite mobs to farm in Genshin Impact Version 3.1, which you will encounter all across the deserts.

However boss-wise there’s two new enemies in Genshin Impact Version 3.1. The Aeonblight Drake is a dragon-shaped combat machine, dropping the Perpetual Caliber ascension material. Be sure to target its cores to immobilize it and also bring various elemental types as it gains resistances to the main element you damage it with.

Second is the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network — a mouthful of a name to start, and a big mass of machinery to conquer. Much like the Perpetual Mechanical Array, you have to destroy its extremities and expose the core. Bring some Electro too as you’ll need it to cancel its invisibility state.

You can find the full Genshin Impact Version 3.1 patch notes below, courtesy of HoYoverse. The update is live as of September 28, 2022.

Genshin Impact Version 3.1 patch notes

New Area

  • In Version 3.1, the areas, Hypostyle Desert, Land of Lower Setekh, and Land of Upper Setekh in the Sumeru region will be available.
  • New Daily Commissions will be added in Sumeru.
  • In addition, there will be new Fishing Points and Radiant Spincrystals in the new areas released.

New Characters

5-Star Character “Judicator of Secrets” Cyno (Electro)

  • Vision: Electro
  • Weapon: Polearm
  • The General Mahamatra in charge of supervising the researchers of the Akademiya. It is said that when he gets down to work, the General Mahamatra is even more efficient than the “Great Vayuvyastra” made by the Kshahrewar.

5-Star Character “Dance of Lotuslight” Nilou (Hydro)

  • Vision: Hydro
  • Weapon: Sword
  • The star of the Zubayr Theater. She is full of warmth and innocence, and her dances are lively and elegant.

4-Star Character “Golden Vow” Candace (Hydro)

  • Vision: Hydro
  • Weapon: Polearm
  • A descendant of King Deshret with an amber left eye. The defender of Aaru Village.

New Domains

Domain: Garden of Endless Pillars

  • This palatial place was once dominated by many thousands of giant pillars, and priests and the powerful alike once walked beneath their bower unrestrained. But all that is left of the mighty and proud city of sapphire now is wrack and ruin.
  • Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 24 or above and fulfill certain criteria.
  • Challenge the Domain to obtain rewards such as Primogems and Dendro Sigils.

Domain: Altar of Mirages

  • The Jinn once used this place as a free theater and a paradise without sorrow or care. The people of the desert wastes also once used this place as a ritual site to remember the ages long past… But all these joys and sorrows, like a false mirage, would disappear amidst the flow of the Ley Lines.
  • Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 28 or above and fulfill certain criteria.
  • Challenge the Domain to obtain rewards such as Primogems and Dendro Sigils.

Domain: Red Desert Threshold

  • Legend has it that were once a prince who was exiled by his father and imprisoned in this jail. The bronze revelation first emerged here in this lonely, forgotten place where there is neither day nor night.
  • Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 32 or above and fulfill certain criteria.
  • Challenge the Domain to obtain rewards such as Primogems and Dendro Sigils.

New Equipment

  • Staff of the Scarlet Sands (5-Star Polearm)
    • The equipping character gains 52% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 28% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
  • Makhaira Aquamarine (4-Star Claymore)
    • The following effect will trigger every 10s: The equipping character will gain 24% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK for 12s, with nearby party members gaining 30% of this buff for the same duration. Multiple instances of this weapon can allow this buff to stack. This effect will still trigger even if the character is not on the field.
  • Key of Khaj-Nisut (5-Star Sword)
    • HP increased by 20%. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, you gain the Grand Hymn effect for 20s. This effect increases the equipping character’s Elemental Mastery by 0.12% of their Max HP. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. Max 3 stacks. When this effect gains 3 stacks, or when the third stack’s duration is refreshed, the Elemental Mastery of all nearby party members will be increased by 0.2% of the equipping character’s max HP for 20s.
  • Xiphos’ Moonlight (4-Star Sword)
    • The following effect will trigger every 10s: The equipping character will gain 0.036% Energy Recharge for each point of Elemental Mastery they possess for 12s, with nearby party members gaining 30% of this buff for the same duration. Multiple instances of this weapon can allow this buff to stack. This effect will still trigger even if the character is not on the field.
  • Wandering Evenstar (4-Star Catalyst)
    • The following effect will trigger every 10s: The equipping character will gain 24% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK for 12s, with nearby party members gaining 30% of this buff for the same duration. Multiple instances of this weapon can allow this buff to stack. This effect will still trigger even if the character is not on the field.
  • Missive Windspear (4-Star Polearm)
    • Within 10s after an Elemental Reaction is triggered, ATK is increased by 12% and Elemental Mastery is increased by 48.

New Quests

New Archon Quests

  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act III Dreams, Emptiness, Deception
    • Quest Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 35 or above, and complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act II The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement
  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act IV “King Deshret and the Three Magi”
    • Quest Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 35 or above, and complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act III Dreams, Emptiness, Deception
  • After the Version 3.1 update, the Archon Quest Chapter III: Act III Dreams, Emptiness, Deception and Archon Quest Chapter III: Act IV King Deshret and the Three Magi will be permanently available.

New Story Quests

  • Cyno’s Story Quest “Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act I – Sands of Solitude”
    • Permanently available after the Version 3.1 update
    • Quest Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above, and complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act IV King Deshret and the Three Magi
  • Nilou’s Story Quest “Lotos Somno Chapter: Act I – To the Wise”
    • Permanently available after 2022/10/14 18:00
    • Quest Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above, and complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act II “The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement”

New World Quests

  • Golden Slumber Quest Chain
  • Old Notes and New Friends Quest Chain
  • Afratu’s Dilemma
  • The Exile Quest Chain
  • A Gifted Rose Quest Chain
  • Join the Eremites and Embrace a Wonderful New Life!
  • Blooming Sands

New Enemies

Aeonblight Drake

  • This dragon-shaped combat machine is a being that inspires fear, much like the lord who once ruled these vast lands.
  • This machine has even greater abilities than the Ruin Drake, being able to attack from the air and on the ground. Can periodically release a dangerous torrent of energy during combat and increase its own Elemental RES against the previous main type of Elemental DMG it suffered. Take this opportunity to attack their cores, and you may be able to immobilize this creature…
  • Located at Ardravi Valley.

Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network

  • This ancient aggregation of machinery hails from the desert and has quirks that modern-day civilizations cannot comprehend.
  • In battle, the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network will fire its components out while its core enters an “invisible” state that hides it and increases its RES. Use Catalyze reactions to strike this core, or use Electro attacks on it during such times as the fired components have been destroyed and need to recover to cancel this invisibility.
  • Located at Hypostyle Desert.

Primal Construct: Prospector, Primal Construct: Reshaper, and Primal Construct: Repulsor

  • These ancient machines, which come from the desert, are quite distinct from the Ruin Machines.
  • In combat, these Primal Constructs will fire their components out while their cores enter an “invisible” state that hides them and increases their RES. Use Catalyze reactions to strike these cores or use Electro attacks on them during such times as the fired components have been destroyed and need to recover to cancel this invisibility.

Eremite Stone Enchanter and Eremite Galehunter

  • Warriors that may be found in one of the many scattered mercenary groups that hail from the desert.
  • They will unleash the ominous spirit contained within their body to fight alongside them after taking a certain amount of damage. This will cause them to enter an Infused Form. Defeat these spirits and they will enter a weakened state for a fixed amount of time thereafter.

In addition, the Floating Anemo Fungus, Whirling Pyro Fungus, Stretchy Electro Fungus, and Grounded Geoshroom will be added.

Other Additions

New Recipes

  • Sumeru Lambad’s Tavern: Coconut Charcoal Cakes
  • Sumeru’s Puspa Café: Baklava, Candied Ajilenakh Nut, and Padisarah Pudding
  • Sumeru NPC Azalai: Aaru Mixed Rice
  • Obtained From Event: Fruits of the Festival
  • Cyno’s specialty: Duel Soul
  • Nilou’s specialty: Swirling Steps
  • Candace’s specialty: Utmost Care
  • New Event Dish “Sparkling Berry Juice”: During the “Of Ballads and Brews” event, you will be able to purchase Sparkling Berry Juice from the event site at Springvale, Mondstadt. This dish will be available at Angel’s Share in Mondstadt from the next version onwards.

New Achievement Categories

  • Elemental Specialist: Series II
  • Challenger: Series VI
  • Sumeru: The Gilded Desert – Series I
  • New Achievements added to the “Wonders of the World” category

New Namecards

  • Cyno: Silence: Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Cyno
  • Nilou: Lotus Dance: Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Nilou
  • Candace: Grey Heron: Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Candace
  • Travel Notes: Returning Winds: Reward obtained via the BP system
  • Achievement: Seven Lights: Reward for completing all achievements under Elemental Specialist: Series II
  • Sumeru: Sandtreader: Reward for completing all achievements under Sumeru: The Gilded Desert – Series I
  • Achievement: Mirrored Dreams: Reward for completing all achievements under Challenger: Series VI


  • Adds some prompts for loading screens.
  • New Permanent Event “Curtain of Leaves”: Clear Spiral Abyss 4-3 to invite the character “Sprout of Rebirth” Collei (Dendro)
  • New Gadgets: Jumpy Dumpty Party Popper and Cloud Retainer’s Damasked Device
  • Stellar Reunion Adjustments
    • UI Optimizations: Adds the “Returner’s Journey” tab which can be used to quickly view pages such as “Teyvat Items of Interest,” “Adventure Handbook: Guide,” “Adventure Handbook: Embattle,” “Realm Within,” among others.
    • Event Adjustments: Adjusts some “Stellar Reunion” rewards. For Travelers who activate “Stellar Reunion” after the Version 3.1 update, the reward for obtaining 400 points will be adjusted to “Northlander Billet Trove.”
  • New Animals: Red Vulture, Scorpion, Desert Sumpter Beast, Desert Fox, Sacred Ibis, Masked Weasel, Quicksand Unagi, and Scarab
  • Tree of Dreams, Vanarana: Increase in the Level Cap of Tree of Dreams to Level 30.
  • When using the DualSense™ Wireless Controller on PC or PS5™, corresponding vibrations can be felt as each character unleashes their Elemental Burst.
  • Adds controller “Graded Vibration Settings” in the “Settings > Controls” interface. You can activate it completely, partially or deactivate it according to your preferences.
  • Adds controller “Vibration Strength” in the “Settings > Controls” interface.
  • On the Asia, Europe, America, and TW, HK, and MO servers, testing of the “Past Quest Resource Management” function has begun: Travelers can delete the audio and video resources corresponding to the completed Archon Quests and Story Quests on mobile, thus reducing the size of the game. The deleted audio resources can be re-downloaded after deletion. Travelers can do so in the “Settings > Resources > Quest Resources” interface.
    • The function is now being tested in the Irminsul Server. Function testing will commence on the Celestia Server in Version 3.2.

Spiral Abyss

  • Floor 11 Ley Line Disorders changed to: All characters in the party gain a 75% Electro DMG Bonus.
  • Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.

Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 3.1, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows.

  • Phase 1: Pruning Moon: After a character triggers Bloom, Hyperbloom, or Burgeon, all party members will have their Elemental Mastery increased by 40 for 10s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.1s. Max 5 stacks. Each stack’s duration is counted independently.
  • Phase 2: Ascending Moon: After opponents take DMG from Dendro Cores (this includes Burgeon and Hyperbloom DMG), their All Elemental and Physical RES will decrease by 8% for 6s. Max 4 stacks.
  • Phase 3: Rupturing Moon: When Dendro Core attacks (this includes Burgeon and Hyperbloom attacks) hit an opponent, a shockwave will be unleashed at that opponent’s position, dealing True DMG. A shockwave can be unleashed this way every 2s.

Adjustments and optimizations


  • Reduces the DMG inflicted by the Frostbite attack cast by the boss “Cryo Regisvine” when it hits a character in succession after recovering from paralysis.
  • Adjusts the calculation method of enemy skill damage (some enemies will see a slight decrease in damage from specific skills, other enemies’ skill damage remains unchanged).
  • Optimizes the effect of some sand scattering special effects of “The Eremites.”


  • Whenever switching between the first and second half in each chamber of the Spiral Abyss, constructs created by enemies and characters in the first half will be cleared (remaining Elemental Orbs, Elemental Particles, and Crystals produced by the Crystallization Reaction will not be cleared).
  • Adjusts and optimizes the sorting rules of some items in the Inventory.
  • Reduces the placement restrictions of some Furnishings in the Serenitea Pot.
  • After the Genshin Impact Version 3.1 update, each top-up level of Genesis Crystals in the Crystal Top-Up page will be reset to provide a double bonus for the first top-up.
    • After the reset, each top-up level will be reset to provide a double bonus upon your first top-up.
    • Top-up bonuses that have not been used before the reset will not be accumulated. After resetting, it will not be possible to obtain two double bonuses for each top-up level.
  • The camera function in the Paimon Menu can no longer be used when characters are under attack and in some skill states (The Kamera is not affected).
  • Optimizes the performance of the Dendro icon’s dynamic effect when wishing for a Dendro character.
  • Adjusts the refreshment frequency of Viparyas. After the adjustment, it is the same as Crystal Ores’ refreshment frequency.


  • Optimizes the sound performance of some puzzle objects when solved.
  • Optimizes the sound performance of the gadget “Vintage Lyre.”
  • Optimizes the sound performance of knocking down opponents and critical hits.
  • Optimizes the Japanese and Korean voice-over for certain quests, and optimizes the Korean voice-over for certain NPCs.
  • Optimizes the English voice-over related to certain items.
  • Adds a function whereby when certain characters are in a desert environment, related dialogue will be triggered.


  • Made minor adjustments to the positions of NPCs Halva and Shahbandar.
  • Adjusts the special effects display of Truesense Pulse.
  • Adjusts the speed at which footprints disappear in the desert.
  • The title “Story Quests/Hangout Events” of the Character Hangout Event Page has been changed to “Hangout Event.”
  • Adjusted the ore types at certain locations in the Sumeru area: some Magical Crystal Ore will be adjusted to Crystal Ore.
  • Adjusts the collision size of some parts of the scenery.
  • Adjusts the special effects display of the Ruin Drake’s weaknesses when it is paralyzed and not absorbing energy.

Bug fixes


  • Fixes an issue whereby when doing the Daily Commission “King of Invokations,” the color of the elements on the Traveler’s outfit are displayed abnormally.
  • Fixes errors in the description of Daily Quest Commission “1,001 Cups of Coffee.”
  • Fixes an issue with the Archon Quest “Silent Seeker of Knowledge” whereby the quest could not be completed normally due to the change in Default Camera Distance.
  • Fixes an issue with the World Quest “Battle of Revenge” whereby the dialogues disappear abnormally.
  • Fixes an issue that caused errors to occur when accepting the World Quest “Gourmet Supremos: Within Our Duties” under certain circumstances.
    • After the version update, if you meet the quest unlock criteria below and talk to NPC Xudong in Port Ormos, you will be able to accept this World Quest. The “Gourmet Supremos” Daily Commission series will no longer be renewed once the unlock criteria have been met.
    • Quest Unlock Criteria
      • Achievements obtained after completing the “Gourmet Supremos” Daily Commission series: “Meal For Two,” “A Question of Diet,” and “Samurice.”
      • After the version update, complete the Daily Commission “The Gourmet Supremos: Where’d the Ingredients Go?”
      • Complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act II “The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement.”


  • Fixes an issue whereby the Grounded Hydroshroom has a probability of abnormally leaving combat.
  • Fixes an issue with the Rockfond Rifthound’s rock spitting and charge abilities, and the Thundercraven Rifthound’s thunderbolt projectile and charge abilities whereby the Corrosion effect would stack abnormally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby some enemies’ flight movements were displayed abnormally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby Geo Constructs created under the Ruin Drake by Geo characters are instantly destroyed.
  • Fixes an issue whereby there is a low probability that a critical hit will not be triggered when characters hit the weaknesses of the Ruin Drake.


  • Fixes an issue whereby after the Traveler resonates with the Statue of the Seven, they will be unable to interact with Four-Leaf Sigils while gliding.
  • Fixes an issue whereby there is a low probability that Polearm characters would inflict elemental effects multiple times to the same opponent hit with a single Charged Attack.
  • Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby after the character Dori casts her Elemental Skill several times quickly within a short period of time, there is a chance that the number of Elemental Particles generated, and the effect of her Passive Talent “Compound Interest” may be abnormal.
  • Fixes an issue with Kaedehara Kazuha whereby the shape of his mouth would be abnormal while taking a picture under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes the misplacement of the flame’s visual effect while Yoimiya performs an Aimed Shot.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when switching from Collei to another character after Collei throws the Floral Ring in her Elemental Skill, there is a low probability that the Floral Ring does not return.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the Icy Paws fired by Diona’s Elemental Skill might not target Wildlife opponents normally.
  • Fixes an issue whereby under “Low” or “Lowest” graphics settings, some special effects would be missing abnormally when Diluc uses his Elemental Skill in his outfit “Red Dead of Night.”
  • Fixes an issue whereby characters can glide without consuming stamina and will not descend under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the Dendro Cores created by Bloom reactions can cause the effects of certain characters’ Skills to be triggered abnormally.


  • Fixes the abnormal frame rate when switching the “Graphics Quality” settings from “Lowest” or “Low” to “Medium” or “High” on PCs.
  • Fixes an issue with Sumeru City whereby the general goods shop icon does not appear on the minimap.
  • Fixes an issue whereby when playing in Co-Op Mode, Yelan would cause the game’s BGM to play abnormally under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the red exclamation marks in the “Character > Attributes” interface would be displayed abnormally under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes an issue of erroneous generation of Elemental Particles when characters use Elemental Skills on Shroomboars in the Serenitea Pot.
  • Fixes an issue of erroneous production of Dendro Cores when characters conduct Hydro attacks on bushes in the Serenitea Pot.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the Rarity of some Furnishing Blueprints did not match their Furnishings.
  • Fixes an issue whereby under certain circumstances, Travelers cannot send in-game messages on mobile devices.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the settings “Vertical Camera Sensitivity” and “Vertical Camera Sensitivity (Aimed Shot Mode)” do not take effect properly.
  • Fixes an issue in the Travel Log whereby certain voice-over lines in the Story Quest “Fate’s Chosen Lupical” appear incorrect.
  • Fixes a text error with the source description of the material “Rukkhashava Mushrooms.”
  • Fixes a text error with the source description of the ingredient “Glabrous Beans.”
  • Fixes an issue whereby the color of the Cryo Boom Blossoms would be displayed abnormally under Elemental Sight.


  • Fixes errors with some characters’ Korean voice-over.
  • Fixes an issue whereby after characters leave certain caves, the corresponding background music and environment sound effects can continue to play abnormally.
  • Fixes the abnormal sound effects of Polearm characters’ Plunging Attacks.
  • Fixes the erroneous Voice-Over Unlock Criteria for “About Fischl” in the “Profile/Voice-Over” page of Collei. The condition is now “Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4.”


  • Fixes an issue whereby Dendro Boom Blossoms can be knocked backward abnormally by characters’ attacks and skills.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the Sprawling Shot transformed by the Hyperbloom reaction has a small probability of not hitting the target correctly.
  • Fixes an issue whereby characters can abnormally enter certain areas in Ashavan Realm while the water level has not yet been lowered.
  • Fixes an issue whereby the NPC Yavanani’s headpiece does not match her affiliated Darshan.
  • Fixes an issue with the weapon “The Alley Flash” whereby a part of its appearance was displayed abnormally.
  • Fixes the issue of the erroneous collision size of the Furnishing “Stoneworks Crane: Mountain Movers.”
  • Fixes an issue whereby effects gained based on a character’s attribute were incorrectly increased (excluding when an effect confers one attribute as a certain percentage of another attribute).
    • Before the fix, affected effects include:
      • Effect of the Weapon “Hunter’s Path”
      • The Dendro Traveler’s Passive Talent “Verdant Luxury”
      • Tighnari’s Passive Talent “Scholarly Blade”

  • Fixes some textual errors in 13 languages and optimizes text. “Note: Related in-game functions have not changed.” (Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)
    • Text-related fixes and optimizations in English include:
      • Optimized the Traveler’s descriptions and voice lines.
      • Optimized instances of an item name from “Lunar Lotus” to “Nilotpala Lotus.”
      • Optimized some lines in the quests and World Quests.
      • Optimized some lines in material descriptions.

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