Genshin Impact Venti banner rerun: Is it worth the Primogems?

The Genshin Impact Venti banner rerun will enable Travelers to pull for the 5-star Anemo support, but is the Windborne Bard worth rolling for?
Genshin Impact 3.1 sees the return of the long-awaited Venti banner rerun, giving players another opportunity to add the Anemo Archon to their team. Venti was previously available in Version 2.6, but he now makes his comeback alongside Cyno – the game’s new Electro Polearm character.
Venti is known for providing huge amounts of utility to his team, empowering his allies’ ability effects, and grouping large amounts of enemies together with his Elemental Burst, which makes him incredibly versatile.
The 5-star Anemo character was originally released back in the 1.0 update and since then, his banner has appeared three times. However, Travelers who wish to unlock Venti’s powerful Constellation buffs will now have the perfect opportunity to do so.
Is the Venti banner worth pulling on?

Yes, the Venti banner is worth pulling on. The 5-star Anemo character is one of the best Support units in the entire game. Not only does his Elemental Burst make killing large amounts of mobs incredibly easy, but the added elemental damage and spread from Swirl makes Venti incredibly powerful.
If that wasn’t enough, Venti’s Elemental Skill also makes exploration incredibly easy. This is especially true when you need to reach higher places or vantage points. Just simply activate the Skill and ride the wind current towards your desired location.
It’s because of Venti’s overall versatility, that the Anemo Archon is the fourth most picked Genshin Impact character in the Spiral Abyss. To make matters even better, the Venti banner rerun also features Candace – one of Genshin Impact’s new Sumeru characters.
While it’s still too early to tell whether Candace has what it takes to become one of the best Genshin Impact characters, her damage-boosting kit and Hydro application will come in useful to many teams.
So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about whether the Venti banner rerun is worth it. Make sure you check out our Genshin Impact page for all the latest news and guides.
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