How to complete XDefiant Challenges: All objectives & rewards

Sourav Banik
XDefiant Dedsec characters

XDefiant gives you a bunch of challenges to complete. While some unlock new weapons and characters, others give you that much-needed XP. So, here are all the challenges available in XDefiant.

Much like Call of Duty, most of XDefiant’s content is locked behind Challenges. So, completing them makes it even more important to unlock the best weapons and devices, which are considered ‘meta.’

The best thing about completing these challenges is that you also complete the Pre-season battle pass, which unlocks many enticing rewards.

XDefiant challenges in pre-game lobby
Completing your challenges is the easiest way to pick up XP.

What are Challenges in XDefiant?

In XDefiant, Challenges are nothing but objectives that you need to complete. They come in three types:

  • Major Challenges
  • Base Challenges
  • Daily Challenges

Major Challenges are the game’s biggest objectives that unlock Factions and take longer than the other two. Base Challenges are relatively smaller – completing them unlocks different weapons, devices, and other characters from every Faction.

Daily Challenges, as the name suggests, change every 24 hours. They are fairly easy to complete and reward you with 5000, 7500, or 10000 XP, depending upon the challenges.

All Major Challenges in XDefiant

In Preseason, there’s only one Major Challenge to get 700,000 XP. Completing this challenge unlocks the DedSec Faction, the group of notorious hacktivists from the Watchdogs 2 universe.

All Base Challenges in XDefiant

Here are all the Base Challenges to complete in XDefiant:


WeaponBase Challenge
AK-47Deal 4,000 damage with Assault Rifles
ACR 6.8Get 10 Assault Rifle longshot kills (over 30m)
M16A4Get 20 Assault Rifle headshot kills
P90Get 10 SMG hipfire kills
Vector .45 ACPDeal 10,000 damage with SMGs
MP7Get 20 SMG point-blank kills (under 5m)
M60Deal 5,000 damage to enemy equipment with LMGs
RPK-74Deal 10,000 damage with LMGs
Double BarrelGet 10 Shotgun hipfire kills
AA-12Get 15 Shotgun point-blank kills (under 5m)
SVDGet 15 Marksman Rifle longshot kills (over 30m)
TAC-50Get 10 Sniper Rifle one-shot kills
93RSprint 240 seconds with Secondary Weapons
D50Deal 1,000 damage with Secondary Weapons
M1911Get 4 Secondary Weapons point-blank kills (under 5m)
686 MagnumGet 5 quick-swap kills


DeviceBase Challenge
EMP GrenadeDeal 400 damage to enemy equipment with Devices
Proximity MineDeal 1,000 damage with Devices
Flashbang GrenadeKill 20 enemies suffering from status conditions
Sticky GrenadeInflict 25 status conditions with devices

Faction Characters

Faction CharacterBase Challenge
Green (Cleaners)Get 50 kills with Incinerator Drone
Kersey (Cleaners)Get 50 kills with Firebomb
Samir (Echelon)Get 100 kills while using Digital Ghillie Suit
Rafa (Echelon)Get 50 Intel Suit spot assists
Beto (Libertad)Heal 5,000 to allies with BioVida Boost
Seleste (Libertad)Heal 5,000 to allies with El Remedio
Gorgon (Phantoms)Block 10,000 damage with Mad Barrier
Rhino (Phantoms)Get 25 kills with Blitz Shield

Completing these challenges is as necessary as getting the right loadout before hopping onto the arena. If you’re a hardcore rifler, check our best ACR 6.8 and AK-47 loadouts. These are two of the best assault rifles right now.

If you fancy close-range combat, check our best MP7 and Vector .45 ACP loadouts. These two are the meta SMGs right now in XDefiant.

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