The Witcher 4 developer says they couldn’t tell a “full story” without key feature

The Witcher 4 developers assured fans that they intend to make romance a compelling part of the experience.
Romance options have played a key part in every major CD Projekt Red release, dating back to The Witcher days. Players could romance several characters in the first game, including a dryad and fan favorites like Shani and Triss.
Geralt’s love life grew more complicated as the series progressed, enough that players could pursue a love triangle in The Witcher 3.
CDPR further explored the depths of romance with Cyberpunk 2077 and its updates. And it sounds like the Ciri-starring Witcher game will take things up a notch yet again.
Expect “compelling” romance possibilities in The Witcher 4
When asked by GameSpot if fans can expect romance options in the new entry, Director Sebastian Kalemba answered affirmatively, pointing out its relevance to other CDPR games.
“Absolutely. It’s a part of the way we make games. It is a part of human nature. It’s a very normal thing. Without that, I think we wouldn’t be able to tell the very full story,” he told the publication.

He then assured fans the team’s approach will focus on “very meaningful” storytelling in this regard.
Kalemba added, “As always, we want to pay a lot of attention to it and make it super compelling and very meaningful. So it’s not just to make a romance for the sake of making a romance. That’s not the CDPR way.”
What this may mean for Ciri’s romance options in The Witcher 4 remains to be seen, given her absence of love interests in the previous title.
The Witcher 3 hinted at her canonical bisexuality as established in the books, suggesting the CD Projekt Red narrative will maintain her interest in men and women. However, the studio will likely hold its plans close to the vest until closer to the game’s release.