Warframe: How to get Orokin Ducats

Orokin Ducats are one of the more important currencies in Warframe, chiefly used to allow players to buy items from the Void Trader Baro Ki’Teer.
Baro Ki’Teer is a unique vendor that appears every two weeks, staying for 48 hours before disappearing again. He regularly sells impressively powerful mods that often can’t be grabbed anywhere else, alongside weapons, cosmetic appearances, and miscellaneous items like statues.
Additionally, Ducats are a required currency when buying the final rank and title from the Conclave, as well as in the crafting process for Paracesis, a unique heavy blade.
As such, it’s well worth getting your hands on some Ducats to fill in gaps in your mod collection and take your power to the next level. Here’s everything you need to know.
Every way to earn Orokin Ducats in Warframe

The general principle behind earning to Ducats is to collect Prime blueprints and parts before trading them in to get the currency in return. Though it’s a simple enough process, we’ve detailed exactly how to get the most out of your time below.
The first thing you’ll need to do is take part in Void Fissure missions, which can be found across the galaxy map. Upon a successful completion, you’ll be able to open Void Relics, which contain the aforementioned blueprints and parts.
Generally you’ll want to run endless Void Fissures, so look out for mission types like Survival, Interception and Defense to get the best return on your investment.
From there, head to any of the game’s relays and look out for the Void Trader’s Kiosks. Though Baro Ki’Teer himself is only available for two days every two weeks, these kiosks can be accessed at any time so you can trade whenever you feel like it.
The value of each item depends on its rarity, so you can generally expect to receive 15 Ducats for a Bronze item, 45 for a Silver item and 100 for a Gold.
It’s also important to note that you can outright buy Ducats in exchange for Varzia from Aya, though this can only be done during Prime Resurgence.
That’s all there is to know about earning Ducats in Warframe! Make sure to check out our guide to unlocking access to 1999, the latest major update in the game’s timeline.