Warframe: Every damage type explained

Warframe is a deep and complex experience where every combat encounter can play out differently. A big part of understanding how it works is knowing the different types of damage and how they interact with your enemies.
In your journey across the galaxy, you will come across aliens and biotic beings of many different types. Each is vulnerable and resistant to different types of damage, so you’ll want to tune your loadout to ensure you can progress easily.
That said, there’s a lot to keep up with and it’s a complex ecosystem that rewards those who play close attention to it.
Here’s everything you need to know about the different damage types in Warframe and where you might want to use them.
Every damage type in Warframe
Physical Damage
- Impact
- Puncture
- Slash
Primary Elemental Damage
- Cold
- Electricity
- Heat
- Toxin
Secondary Elemental Damage
- Blast (Heat + Cold)
- Corrosive (Electricity + Toxin
- Gas (Heat + Toxin)
- Magnetic (Cold + Electricity)
- Radiation (Heat + Electricity)
- Viral (Cold + Toxin)
Special Damage
- Void
- Tau
- True
Faction damage vulnerabilities and resistances
In total, there are 13 factions and sub-factions in Warframe, all with their own strengths and weaknesses. The table below breaks down the damage types that apply to them abnormally.
Faction Name | Vulnerabilities | Resistances |
Grineer | Corrosive Impact | N/A |
Kuva Grineer | Corrosive Impact | Heat |
Corpus | Puncture Magnetic | N/A |
Corpus Amalgam | Magnetic Electricity | Blast |
Techrot | Magnetic Gas | Cold |
Scaldra | Corrosive Impact | Gas |
Sentient | Radiation Cold | Corrosive |
Narmer | Slash Toxin | Magnetic |
Infested | Heat Slash | N/A |
Infested Deimos | Blast Gas | Viral |
Orokin | Puncture Viral | Radiation |
The Murmur | Radiation Electricity | Viral |
Zariman | Variman | N/A |
Damage types and Special Damage explained

There are several ways that you can generate and customize the damage you deal. Ability damage types will be dictated by which Warframe you use, and this will make up a significant part of your overall package.
Weapons also come with intrinsic damage types, but you can add to that and you Warframe’s output by equipping Mods. These can add all the forms of damage above (outside of special), allowing you to head into missions with the ideal arsenal, once you know who you’ll be facing.
Special Damage types are unique and unable to be added to weapons and Warframes via mods. Instead, they must be intrinsic and they’re able to be found and used in the following ways:
- Void: Available after completion of The War Within, as well as the Warframe Xaku. Much stronger against Zariman enemies but standard to all other factions.
- Tau: Unique to the energy types of Sentient enemies and the Warframe Caliban (which was recently given to players for free).
- True: Found in some Warframe abilities and unique weapons. Applies to health and overguard.
That’s all there is to know about the different damage types in Warframe. Make sure to check out our guide to earning Orokin Ducats, so you can buy everything you need from Baro Ki’Teer.