Simple Marvel Rivals trick makes Adam Warlock a DPS beast

Marvel Rivals is all about defeating the enemy using unexpected tactics, hard hits, and some powerful abilities. But to do that, you’ll need to use a few simple tricks, especially if you want to turn Adam Warlock into a deadly DPS.
Sitting comfortably in A-tier on our character tier list, Adam Warlock is already a pretty impressive Strategist. Once you master his resources, he’ll be healing the team, resurrecting fallen teammates (and himself) and just keeping most of the fight going.
However, as a Strategist, his normal attack isn’t exactly powerful. That is, until players try this most simple but effective trick to massively speed up his attacks.
Amazing dual click trick turns Adam Warlock into deadly Strategist
As highlighted by players in the Marvel Rivals Reddit page, simply spamming down the left and right click of your mouse will dramatically speed up Adam Warlock’s attacks, allowing him to take down enemies in record time.
What’s most interesting is that this isn’t a glitch, bug, or cheat, but simply using both of his main attacks at the same time, causing more damage at a faster rate. In fact, in the experiment shown on Reddit, and in the practice run we attempted, we found Adam could perform six attacks when hitting normally, and eight attacks using the new method.
Of course, the damage isn’t exactly higher, but more hits mean more damage if the enemy can take that many attacks, therefore dramatically increasing his DPS.
Naturally, players were thrilled to find a new way to make Adam Warlock even stronger than he already is. They also found the speed difference extremely funny, with many making Dragon Ball Z and Anime jokes and others joking that they “would like to break my spine if it meant I can shoot faster.”
“Wow no wonder some Warlock absolutely melts me” commented another, with many agreeing that this tactic is a game-changer and will allow them to destroy the enemy just like they’ve been subjected to previously.
Naturally, others demanded that it “needs to be fixed” due to how fast and broken the combination really is, while others couldn’t wait to try it out.
Ultimately, as previously mentioned, this trick isn’t so much of a cheat as it is an incredible tactic to help improve the power of Adam Warlock. As such, it’s likely to become a common technique for the character, and one anyone who mains him should be using.